Near Death Experience

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*You are still you*

You'd been dating Eridan for nearly a month now and Sollux still seemed to be mad at you. Although to be fair you had been avoiding him a little bit.

You really didn't like how much he hated Eridan and you didn't want to hear him talk more about how she shouldn't be dating him.

You were taking a walk along the beach, hoping to be alone with your thoughts. Unfortunately, you hadnt gotten far when you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey [Y/N]"

"Sollux? What are you doing here?"

"Ju2t pa22iing by, II a22ume you're waiitiing for Eriidan?"

You shake your head, "Just wanted to be alone for a while."

Sollux scowls, "2orry, am II botheriing you?"

You roll your eyes, "Sollux, you know that's not what I meant."

"Riight, you're ju2t alway2 two bu2y for me."

You look away, "You don't understand."

"You're riight, II don't under2tand how you could let 2omethiing a2 2tupiid a2 a mate2priiteship get between u2!"

You turn to face him, you were surprised for a moment. Sollux had never yelled at you before. In fact, the two of you had barely argued at all before the recent events had happened.

It was too late now however and your shock turned to anger. "You were the one who couldn't take a rejection!" You yelled back and ran.

"[Y/N] wait!" You heard him call after you but you ignores him. You didnt stop running until you had reached the edge of a cliff. If you had been thinking straight you would have realised this was probably a bad idea but your thoughts were too tangled at the moment to worry about that.

The previously clear skies had turned grey and stormy and as you say down to cry, the heavens cried with you.

Rain came down in torrents and wind howled around you but you barely noticed. All of a sudden, you heard footsteps behind you. You stood up, "Go away Sollux!"

The footsteps paused for a moment then came back, faster than before, as if whoever it was was running.

*Be Sollux, *le gasp* didn't see that one coming, did you?*

You ran after [Y/N] hoping to catch her. You weren't sure what you would do if you caught up with her.

Apologize? Yell at her? Neither option seemed like it would end well. All you knew was that you needed to talk to her, you were not about to let your beat friend (or ex-best friend?) get away.

You finally found her on the edge of a cliff. "2hiit" you said quietly then yelled, "[Y/N] bee careful!"

"Sollux, I'm not in the mood, leave me alone." As she said this she backed up slowly away from you and you watched in horror as her foot slipped and she fell into the water below.

"[Y/N]!" You screamed, running to the edge and looking down. You saw her struggling to stay above the water. "Hang iin there! II'll go get help!" This was one of the few moments you wished you could swim.

You ran back the way you came, wondering who you could got to for help. Suddenly, something popped into your head. You scowled, you didn't like the option but his hive was the closest. Plus he was a seadweller. And he cared.

You arrived at Eridan's hive and knocked on the door urgently. He opened it a moment later. "Wwhat are you doin' here?" He asked surprised.

"No tiime to talk" you said, catching your breath, "[Y/N]'s in trouble."

His eyes widened, "Wwhere?"

The two of you ran back to the cliff as fast as you could. Please let her be ok. You thought to yourself.

You soon arrived and to your feet relief you found [Y/N] clinging to a rock. "I can't hold on much longer!" She shouted over the storm.

"[Y/N] I'm gonna get you out of there! Just hang on." Shouted Eridan, taking off his cape, scarf and shirt.

However, right as he said this. [Y/N]'s fingers slipped and she disappeared under the waves.

"[Y/N]!"you screamed, or maybe it was Eridan. Probably both. Without wasting any more time, Eridan dived into the water.

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