Broken Friendships

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*Go back to being you again*

The next day at school, you show up, excited to see Eridan. However, the moment you step foot inside you are greeted by Sollux. Or rather, yelled at by Sollux.

"You're datiing fi2hdiick?" He demands and you sigh.

"Nice to see you too Sol." You say.

"Why would you accept to be hii2 mate2priite?" He asked angrily.

You glared at him, "Why do you even care?" You ask, annoyed. "I thought you were over me, besides, how do you even know?"

Sollux rolled his eyes, "Fii2h face wa2 po2iitiivley glowiing thii2 morniing 2o II a2ked hiim what wa2 up and he 2piilled."

You stare at him confused. "I didn't think you cared how Eridan did."

He shrugs, "Normally II don't but iit doe2n't take a geniiu2 to 2ee that he'2 been falliing for you 2o II 2u2pected 2omethiing wa2 up."

You scowl at him, your happy mood gone. "Well now you know so lay off. We're dating and that's final."

He sighs "Lii2ten [y/n], you're my friiend. II ju2t don't want you to get hurt."

You shake your head, "Eridan would never hurt me. You don't know him like I do. I'll See you later Sollux."

You storm away to find Eridan. You soon find him at his locker and when he notices you his face lights up with joy. His smile wavers, however, when he notices your frown.

"Is somefin wwrong?" He asks concerned.

"Kind of" you sigh, pulling him into a hug and kissing him on the cheek. "Sollux is mad at me for dating you."

Eridan's eyes widen "I-i'm sorry [y/n], I didn't knoww he wwould act this wway."

You shake your head. "Don't worry about it Eridan, he'll come around."

Eridan looks worried, "If you're havving second thoughts about bein' my matesprite..." he says trailing off.

You kiss him again, "Of course not, don't be silly Eridan. I'm sure everything will be fine."

He nods, "If you're sure."

You grin, "I'm sure. I should be getting to class now. Oh and this belongs to you." You dig though your backpack and pull out his cape.

He smiles as you hand it to him, "Thanks [y/n], I'll see you later. Bye."

You two part ways and you sigh. Despite what you had told Eridan, you weren't sure if Sollux would really get used to the two of you as matesprites.

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