What if?

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*You are still you! (Didn't expect that did you?)*

You walked home in silence, Cronus's words reusing to leave your head. Was he just messing with you or was he telling the truth?

You could never be sure with Cronus and you didn't know if you could trust him.

Why would he lie though? You had never told anyone about your crush on Eridan so it wouldnt make any sense for him to know.

What if Eridan really did like you back though? However, that doesn't make much sense. Eridan, unlike Cronus was often very strict about not dating lowbloods. As a human, it seemed very unlikely he would want you to be his matesprite.

What if he liked you enough that he didn't care though. It was driving you crazy.

You supposed the only thing to do was to wait and see.

*Now be Eridan, this chapter is full of surprises.*

You paced around your room, should you ask [y/n] to be your matesprite? She had never shown special interest in you though. What if she said no. You had been rejected too many times already.

But if you didn't do it, you'd be wondering for the rest of your life what she would have said. What if she liked you back and you never found out because you never asked.

Decisions, decisions, a long time ago, you would have had no doubts about asking her but now that both your flush crushes had been unsuccessful, you were worried about a third attempt.

Third time's the charm though, you reasoned. What if this time, it could work?

You turned it over a couple more times in your head and finally came to a conclusion. You would ask her, eventually.

Ugh, that was so short compared to the other chapters. Sorry this one sucked, I promise the next chapter will be longer. Hopefully.

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