_8;I Heard What You Said Last Night

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The sun rose and sakura woke up without kakashi in the car. She looked around with blurry vision only to find no one in sight. She sat up and looked at her feet to process what was going on. She slept hard. Although he was probably right outside of the vehicle she felt panicked.

"Sakura, your awake?"questioned kakashi.

She turned her head to the back seats and there he was. He looked hungover on the floor between seats. He had large circles under his eyes, which clearly meant he didn't get enough sleep. Hair a mess, how the hell can you mess up your hair in a cramped space like a car.

"Yeah I'm up sensei"she replied.

"That's good."

"How can you sleep with a mask on?"

"Questions already."

"Yeah sure."

He never responded and she turned back to her regular position. He could tell something was bothering her. Normally she would request more conversation or talk so enthusiastically. He sat up and opened the door to climb out.

"Kakashi"she whispered.

He turned back to her and waited for any kind of question or resource of energy.

"I heard what you said last night."

Shit he thought, he knew. He quickly hopped out of the car and pretended to examine the tire. Kakashi felt awkward more awkward then when he actually said it.


"Have you seen kakashi?"asked tsunade. Everyone had piled out of the bus and was looking at all the interesting animals.

"No tsunade-sama do you want me to call him?"shizune answered.

"No, he never carries a phone with him. Wait call Sakura's phone."

"Right tsunade-sama"shizune replied while pulling out her phone and holding it up to her ear.

Back To Kakashi And Sakura

Ring, ring. They scattered around looking for the phone, but wait didn't sakura say she didn't have a phone. Truth was her friend snick it in her bag, good job ino. Kakashi was digging through the bags and sakura was thinking who it could be. He pulled her pink phone up and out into the air.

"Found it"he said proudly. Putting it to his ear he waited for a hello.

"Sakura-san is this you?"asked shizune.

"No, it's kakashi."

"Why'd you answer, oh god please tell me you didn't murder her?"

"No and if I did what makes you think I would tell you the truth?"

"Never mind, where are you guys?"

"We're um... well... we ran into a cactus. We can't really go anywhere we're stuck in the middle of a dessert since yesterday."

"Oh my, are you two OK?"

"Yeah, but sakura looks a little how should I put it, literally blue."

"What!"shizune shouted into his ear. He tilted to the side slightly.

"It' OK, she's not showing any other signs, but if don't get help soon she might get worse through the freezing night. And I don't feel like holding her so she can be warm."

"You did what?"

"It was awkward beyond repair OK."

"So got a location we can start looking for?"

"Like I said a dessert, that's all I know."

"Wait I might know, hold on you two. I'll be there as soon as possible." She hung up.

"So kakashi, who was it?"

"Shizune, she's coming for us."

Ok next chapter is actually going to be heart felt meaningfully.

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