_15;The Return Of Smexy

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Sakura went to school the next day. She had her regular first three hours full of distinct boredom. When fourth rolled around she didn't sit in the normal seat and she well she just skipped. They didn't expect her, because they didn't know her routine like kakashi. Kakashi knew her more then anyone alive, yes that accounts for her brother. A doctor he may be, but he wants nothing to do with her. Kakashi on the other hand, worried for her, he waited everyday for her. He'd be so eager just to hear her speak. Just look at her, to see her smile. Even if sakura couldn't see it, he did care. So did sakura for him. A silent indescribably connection.

"What are you doing out of class?"asked a teacher.

Sakura swung around, that scared the crap out of her. It was that teacher from the beginning of the year, yeah microwave teacher.

"Miss Haruno, you should be in with kakashi."

"Yeah. I should be."

"Then get over to his class, are retarded or something?"

"You know actually I've rolled that over in my head. And yeah I guess I am a retard, I did get kakashi fired."

"You what! Oh god damn-it, I was gonna ask him... something."

She looked over at sakura and stopped talking.

"Ask him what?"


"Miss Capra."


"Your lying."

"Yes, yes I am."

"Then tell me."


"Why not."


"Just tell me."

"OK, I wanted to ask him out."

"Now was that so hard to say. Wait you what?"

"I know it's odd."

"No, no."

"So how did you get him fired?"

"Rumors actually. A rumor that we were... you know."


"I know sounds so awful."


Sakura became disgusted by the teachers misunderstanding and left, might as well go home. She dropped her bag at the door and slipped off her shoes. Hung up her old pink coat and strolled into the kitchen. Opening the fridge she peered in to find nothing at all. She shut it and guess what was staring her in the face, kakashi's face.

"OK, funny, funny!"she shouted.

God knows she wouldn't keep a picture of him, those girls again. Although she did become worried, what if they took something while they were in the house. She ran to a cupboard and pulled the door open. She sighed, that little ceramic horse was still there. Sakura lifted it from it's dusty sanctum and opened the top, to see what should have been a empty whole. Yes the saddle comes off as a top. Inside laid a little bottle. She picked it up and examined it, "smexy for the crazed." A tear welled up and slipped through the shielding of shut eyes.

That was it, she was going to find him if he liked it or not, that little bottle showed her all that she needed. And what she needed you may ask, she needed a boos to confidence. She ran to the door grabbing her coat in the process. By now he probably would of forced them to let him go home right, just needed to find that.

We can not live without a connection to life. That connection will always be there somewhere we just can't see it, but what if we could.

You know see that connection.

Maybe someday we will have that ability.

But for now we will live with guesses of that connection.

The connection of life.

The connection of care.

The connection of need.

The connection of unforgotten, undeniable lust and love.

"See now your making sense again"sakura spouted to her inner self.

To kakashi.

"What the hell are you talking about now, unforgotten, undeniable love. Ha, the only love I have had is Misaki and I'm keeping it that way!"kakashi too shouted.

Pzzzzzzzz. Pzzzzzz. His phone whined. He opened it and placed it to his ear.

"Hey kakashi, want to talk teach?"

"Naruto, not right now."

"Oh come on."

OK you guessed it, next chapter they reconcile.

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