_14;Comic Relief

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The next morning.

You must find her, you can't go back to the school. Remember where she lives?

"Who the hell is this?"kakashi shouted in frustration once again.

Even if he was under constant surveillance and is injuries were horrid he still jumped around looking for the source of the voice.

You mustn't be so hasty.

"God damn-it show yourself, or I'll let her rot in hell!"he shouted. He actually kinda regretted that one.

See, you become hasty and your words bite you back. Now go find her, she needs you now more then ever.

"Why do you know my thoughts, someone help me."

Shut up and listen.


Fine then I guess you won't need my justified help.

"I might consider it, if I knew who you were."

Don't you know?

"No, that's why I'm asking!"

I'm sakura's inner self. I'm upright confusing at times, but I'm always right. Sakura is quiet confused and I've tried to fix that. The only way to do so is you.

"Oh, that blood loss is starting to get to me isn't it?"

No it isn't, you ignoramus. Now go find her or I'll go all french on you!

"Wait what?"

God damn-it your more idiotic then a monkey. Your brain must feel so lonely up there.

"I'm scared."

I wish I had hands so I could smack you. At the worst though is I really have to go to the bathroom and I-

"I don't want to hear anymore."

Then go woo her. Sweep her off her feet and tell her nothing will stop your connection.

"Wait what, you sure your not jiraiya? He tends to go all poet on me half the time."

Your not even asking the question if she loves you back?

"No, now that I think about it."

Like I said, I wish I had hands.

"Lets face it, if she loved me, she would of said it. Second um..., oh yeah it's illegal!"

"Listen up you mother ******************************************then*******************************************************************kunia***********************taco sauce*************************************and thank her.

"That was more vulgar then jiraiya's sex ed class."

What I'm sakura's inner self, just because she's a girl doesn't mean she isn't perverted.

"But, the taco sauce, that's just wrong."

Do you want to talk about the basics of sex or do you want to try it with sakura.

"Who said I wanted to do anything like that with her?"

I'm in your head dude, I know how you think and "feel" around her.

"OK I'm probably the most vulgar commented kind of guy outside of class, but you top it off with a great ewe."

Your a failure to society. If you weren't sakura's future lover I would just kill you now.

"I become what and how can you kill me with no hands?."

Who said I needed hands for that job.


Just some comic relief for the past dram, mores to come. I also felt I had to explain this weird voice a little more.

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