_21;Akito Hatake

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Kakashi woke up with a heavy feeling of dread. His burnt body didn't help with the sad feeling. He had another dream though. The dream this time though involved his student, his lover. It was the same dream he had before they woke up in the middle of the night. The nightmare that he didn't think would come to really haunt him. He thought he could simply hold sakura and forget the worries, but now the only thing he worried about was: Akito Hatake going to be okay?(think about their night together and you will get it)

Sakura had been moving fast as the trail of flames followed their path. Tsunade, shizune, and ino had to inform her to keep going. Sakura still had not told them her dirty little secret, probably a good idea for her few injuries. Tsunade marked the spot her feet stood by stomping down on her bottom.

"Sakura, you can have that bastard." Tsunade mumbled in the air that poisoned the air around her mouth.

The world around the group fading into the sunlight. Darkness falling alone in the shadows seeking another host to consume for the moment. Tsunade was tight faced and hunger for anger was growing greedily. Giving up was normally out of the question for this blond beauty. Just thinking of the words make her sick to her sake filled envelope of a stomach.

Ino started laughing with a startled burst of energy. She threw her blond hair back and announced to the sky defeat in her triumph of laughter. Realistically she didn't want to let go of that and make sakura feel bad, but ever since the snake incident she just couldn't hold it back. Her arms draped to her sides and dropped to the ground as she did with a frown.

"Ino, are you OK?" Shizune asked.

The blond just ignored her obvious call to help her and stared at her feet. Her lips cringing at all the thoughts. Tears spilling over her cheeks and touching the cool fresh soil beneath her shadow. The others watching in horror as the tough held together girl of the school fell apart in front of her.

"I'm not OK!" Screamed Ino with a sniffle. She wiped a few tears from her face to clear her vision. "I can't let him go, Kakashi either. Sakura has something precious kept from him that is a part of him too. I hold something precious kept from Naruto as well. If he dies I can't tell him how much I love him. I can't touch him again and teach him when to keep his adorable mouth shut. I realize Sakura already explained her love, but not even she knew about the growing being within her. The dreams, oh god no please!" Ino cried.

If her tears were to come any quicker she would start crying blood. A well wept blood though, a sad blood.

"Ino stop, I got you." Sakura whispered.

She stood and stretched with both arms out in the air. Sakura took Ino's hand and helped her up. The blond could see the flicker of persistence and tolerance in her friends eyes. Eyes much like Naruto's, eyes that were feared at the most.

"We will make it out of here. We will fight through the day and nights if we have to. We will survive, because we don't want little Akito here.." She points to her belly as explanation. "To die unborn. We will continue to tell our men about our little secrets."

Ino suddenly embraced her friend in a full bear hug, but would her words be enough Ino thought. Would these simple words save us from the pain the darkness that these woods hold among them. Those dreams were horrible and parts have already come true, what if the rest did and he... No Ino don't think that way. Your friends going to need you and you better watch her close. Only a few weeks pregnant Sakura won't have to worry for a while. I don't know though, how did she know that my words were true?

"Because we're so close of friends we can almost read each others minds. I know you wouldn't cry over nothing anyway." Sakura replied to Ino's unspoken questions.

Tsunade's hard gaze was also turning into tears, mostly for the fact that she wouldn't see her alcohol for a while. Shizune cradled her as she mumbled nonsense about how she needs her drinks. Ino and Sakura just watched their principal fall to pieces from such a simple thing. She really did have a alcoholism. A troublesome one too.

Authors notes

Sorry guys. I truly am. I got hit with a virus and I shouldn't even be able to post this now. I'm lucky to even be writing this. It's causing a lot of problems, so I've been a little of my game.


Kakashi Nuttcase

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