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All in Kakashi's POV

I unwillingly ready for sleep laid back with a sense of worry. Every time the thought came up I just had flashbacks of that school, that miserable old school, but mostly of sakura.

Flashback 11/10

"Hey want to go get some lunch with me?"I asked.

Sakura jumped up out of her seat, surprised from my appearance in her fifth hour. Sakura nearly fell over in the process and gave me big cheesy grin, never forget that grin. I chuckled slightly with gaze that swung from her feet to forehead. What really drug me along though was that obnoxious pink hair. I mean how do you get beautiful hair like that, it's just cheating.

"Sure!"she cheered.

Another chuckle escaped my lips, I just couldn't help it. She's always been so cute, like a 6 year old ha. If only, then I can could have a good description of this. I gestured for her to exit with me. She hesitated for a second tell running by my side.

Is it because I left just that easy or is it because of Misaki. Is it because sakura-chan is just like her, weak. No I can't think like that, sakura-chan is not weak, clumsy but not weak. Calling her weak is just pitiful, I'm the one that's weak. If only I could be near her once more, to tell her goodbye. There's a good chance I'll never see her again, stupid brats they just can't let a rumor lay bare can they.


"Kakashi, I know I've been extraordinarily eager for you to join, but I must speak to you"Tsunade uttered. She told shizune to fetch me and placed me in a seat by her desk, boy is this freaking me out.

"Yes Tsunade-sama?"

"I've heard a rumor around that you and sakura have been having relations, is this true?"

"No, not really. If you count being her chaperone yeah"I stuttered, while looking away.

"Kakashi you didn't?"Tsunade gasped.

"No, sick bastards. Why would I do that to a high school girl?"

"I'm sorry, but under these circumstances your fired."

"Wait what the fuck?"

"A teacher having relations with a student is lucky to get off without me filing a report."

"But I'm not doing anything of the sort. That's just wrong!"


What would make them think that I was like that, I haven't even made a gesture. Not a wondering eye, OK that's not true, but not in places that I shouldn't. Now most importantly I can't even leave my house to talk to sakura and she won't answer her phone, I just want to say goodbye.


"Your such a goof, here let me get that"I stated, while reaching over the table.

Sakura just sat there with ice cream on her nose. I wiped it off and laid back into a regular sitting position. She giggled and blushed slightly. My eyes caught again into a trap by her, only this time I'm not just noticing something eye popping. I'm noticing her true being, the happiness and peace that I feel around her. Just her eyes can make me stop and stare tell she walks past me. It's hard to explain, but her adorable cute little face it's just so... attracting to me.

"So, what are your plans for Christmas?"

"I'm just gonna sit at home and watch TV."

"Well that's no way to spend Christmas. How about you come over to my house for Christmas?"Sadly that's what I do half the time.

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