_9;My True Love

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OK all the words in italic are sakura's thoughts.

Sakura and Kakashi sat in the back seat of shizune's honda civic sedan. Lets just say only shizune knew the name.

The speechless silence that followed our trail felt so uncomfortable. All I want to do is listen to his words or even just his breathes. Wishes are wishes, but these are necessitates. His smiles his frowns only seen through mystic eyes. The eyes that tell me poetry when I'm down, the eyes that never shed tears around me. He's the one, the one I could fall for the one I could love the rest of my life.

Sakura scooted slightly over and looked up to his bored expression.

Yep the one for me, the one I love. I wouldn't be able to live without his daily chats or words. The weekends are bored and I now know why they are that way. His very existence allows me to suck air down my throat. What could cause such a intoxicating feeling, well I don't know, but I will find out.

Kakashi looked down to the mesmerized sakura. She looked like a total dork.

"Happy much?"

Oh he has no idea.

"You could say so"she teased.

I could hear his lips smack as he opens them to speak. So adorable, if only I could see them for myself. Guess that won't be happening any time soon, after all he is my sensei.

"That's good, I thought you were gonna get sick from the way you looked back there."

Agreed on that one, I looked like a fish.

"I know, by the way thanks for the warmth."

His face turned red, red once again. It's like he feels more, more then those certain words I heard last night. I love you can only translate into so many things, but I don't think he meant them. We were on the brig of no where, abandoned by a cactus, and only had each other for heat. I think it's safe to say he thought was going to die or something, I did turn different shades of unusual colors.

"Um... sure."

"Nervous huh, don't be nervous you might get colder."

"You know that really doesn't help, especially in this situation."

"I know, just had to say it. You turned bright red when I said thanks"she taunted some more.

Shizune looked back and glared at him, how was he supposed to help it. He looked down in shame, yeah he knew it was wrong.

"Sakura, I was thinking of taking on coaching of some sort, what do you think?"

"Well what do you want to coach?"

"I think I'll coach basketball."


"What that's supposed to mean?"

"Nothing"she stated while looking the other way innocently.

Trying not to burst into laughter. (Come on your all thinking it to I mean kakashi in tight gym shorts and tank top tossing a ball around, because he doesn't get that the kids should practice not him. OK, OK, that's a bit much, but you would crack up to.)

"So cruel, I could get you dates with the basketball jocks."

She turn back to him ready to spit in his face from amusement.

"Are you kidding me, me. Date a jock, wow." She took a few seconds before adding in a tidbit"only if he was smexy"she whispered.

And luckily he didn't get it, hai for stupidity she thought.

Hai for stupidity, if this man heard that, I would never hear the end of it. He tell the other teachers maybe even students, that would be so embarrassing.

Later that day his thing gathered and they hopped on the bus home. Oh that was so funny when kakashi had nearly throw a kid out the window, because he kept spitting on the back of his neck. Sakura of course rolled her eyes, but took in the nice eye candy when he bent over.(You know I had to, no story is good if sakura isn't the feisty one.)

After a funny, evil, hilarious, bus ride home they went separate ways tell Monday. That was going to be a long weekend for the two.

I know worst chapter yet, it gets more romantic and slightly sad, well really sad.

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