Chapter 2: Sneak

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*Poe's POV

"Please?" begged Rey, crouched on her knees in front of me. "You have to let me help you find him."

"I don't know," I rubbed the back of my neck. "The general made it pretty clear that you weren't to leave the compound."

A tear finally escaped her hazel eyes, "You've gotta, Poe. I can't go on living like this: without him."

I sighed. 

"Dang it, Rey. Why do you always get me on your side?"

A huge smile lit up her face, instantaneously lighting up the room in a way that only Rey's smile could do.

"Does that mean that you'll let me come?"

I squeezed my eyes closed, not believing that I was about to disobey orders, and nodded. She squealed in delight and leapt at me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Poe! Oh thank you!" she sobbed. Why was she crying? Didn't she get what she'd wanted? Oh well, I'll never understand woman.


"Okay," I said, "Just wait here. We'll be leaving in just a moment."

"Are you gonna say bye to Savi?" Rey's eyes twinkled teasingly. 

"What-how-yes." I admitted after studdering in confusion at her knowledge on the subject of my relationship.

"You don't keep it that discreet," she explained as I closed the hatch, hiding her inside my special-designed Black X-Wing.

*Ben's POV

The desert heat was terrible. We had been walking for roughly seven hours, breaks becoming more frequent, and water more scarce.

 Throughout our long trek, Bee had brought me up to date on why and how were here on this desert planet. According to him, it had been the middle of a battle and he had followed me into the pod which had been rocketed into the sky from the explosion. I had been knocked out by the sheer force of the launch, and unable to control, the pod flew until it hit something.

Why couldn't I remember anything? The few times the talkative droid had been silent, I'd racked my brain for anything, but there seemed to be some kind of block. It seemed to be lessening, however. The strength of the wall keeping me from my memories almost seemed to be crumbling as I relentlessly attacked it. Small things seeped through the near invisible cracks like water might from a dam, but more feelings related with faces and places, not entire scenarios. Not yet. 

The girl with the buns now had a companion to join her in my thoughts: a man. Tall man with light brown hair normally wearing a black leather jacket and accompanied by a giant furry wookie. At first when I realized that that I had another face in my mind I rejoiced, but the more I thought about him, feelings of joy, longing, and remorse haunted me when I thought of the man.

"Bee, how much longer until we reach civilization?" My voice was raspy from the dry desert air.

"I don't know," he projected.

My feet froze in their tracks.

"What to you mean?" I hissed from between my teeth.

"Well, I've lost signal."


Hi. :) I'm tired. 

You know what scary thought occurred to me? I might know one of the people reading my cheesy writing in real life. Dear Person: I deeply apologize you had experience this.

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