Chapter 3: Help

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^this song is called Home by Jasmine Thompson (one of my favorite singers) and it's just so beautiful. Also, I didn't know that it correlated with this chapter that much until right before I published it. Please listen to it, it's so pretty. Thank you for giving my reading a chance! You guys are literally the best!!! :) :) :)

*Rey's POV

"Please," I whispered to myself, fingers crossed in the dark cramped compartment of Poe's X-Wing, "please, Ben. Give me a clue. Anything."

Silence answered me with its eerie quietness, enabling to hear all the creaks and groans emanating from the craft in which I was taking shelter.  The "room" I was confined in was basically an area inside the fuselage that had been cleared of any equipment in the means of storage. My back was pressed uncomfortably against machinery and my knees were tight up against my chest away from the jungle of wires.  

"You ready?" a voice asked, muffled by the plated metal separating me and the speaker.

I took a deep breath.


The craft dipped, signifying that someone was boarding, and the engines roared to life.

"Are you sure this is safe back here?" I yelled over the noise, scenarios running through my mind where I'm somehow pulled into one of the big pieces of machinery. 

"Yes, you'll be fine."

The X-Wing started moving and I pulled the blanket I'd brought closer around me, and could only imagine the whiteness of my knuckles clenched around my backpack.

"Where are we going?" Poe's voice yelled to me over the loud noises.

"Um," I hesitated, I didn't actually know for sure. "Just head for Ryloth and Tatooine, that's the general area that his pod was flung."

"Alrighty. Hold on tight!"

The craft accelerated and lifted off the ground. There was no going back home for now. But that was okay. Home wasn't really home without Ben.

*Ben's POV

The water was gone. Bee's battery was low. And to make things better, we had now been wondering the forsaken desert for three days. Time after time mirages danced in front of my eyes, retreating farther and farther into the distance as we traveled nearer to them. 

"Just a...bit longer," my throat felt like sandpaper, "...we...we can do...this...Bee."

The once talkative little droid made no move to answer, his head sagging, rolling depressed next to me.

I just stared at the sand at my feet, not wanting to feel the disrepair that came every time I looked up to the barren landscape. Miles past and my legs burnt more than ever, occasionally collapsing only to be urged back up by the image of the girl in my head. When ever I thought of her, the feeling of longing sprung in my chest. For her for home. What even was home? A place? A person? The man in the dark leather jacket? The girl, herself? The new figures that haunted me? An old woman with gray hair, warm brown eyes smiling welcoming? Or the tall scarred figure who brought the feeling of pure terror over me. 

Bee let out a low, slow peep, and I looked to the direction to where he was rolling, a new energy in his spinning. If he could see the sandy buildings in the distance as well, it must not be a mirage. I joined Bee, staggering more quickly now across the sand, stumbling more often than not. 

"Help!" my voice rasped through my cracked lips and I finally collapsed, eyes closing, darkness consuming me whole. 


Hiiiiiiiiii! I love you guys, can I just say that?

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