Chapter 5: help

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Another really good song!!

*Rey's POV

Rey? A tentitive voice said in my head, startling me out of my meditation.

Ben? Ben! I replied enthusiastically, where are you?

I'm not positive, he sounded unsure, and a little confused, but Bee said that it's a strange planet called Tatooine.

Bee? I asked, unfamiliar with what he was talking about.

Just find me and I'll explain, his voice in my head seemed to fade slowly like he was completely and utterly exausted.

Ok, we're coming, Ben. I promise we'll find you. But there was nothing but my own head now.


"Poe!" I yelled at the body passed out beside the hastily made fire, while opening the hatch on the fuselage of the X-Wing that would let me enter my hiding place.

The limp body sprawled on the sandy hill didn't move to obey my command, but snored in defiance to the thought of getting up. I groaned, and left my spot by the space craft to walk up to my traveling companion.

"Poe!" I yelled more loudly this time. "Get your lazy butt up! I know where Ben is!"

Another snore was his only reply.

I grunted in annoyance, before conjering up a brilliant plan. Poe's water bottle lay next to him, which I picked up, and slowly unskrewed the cap, smiling devilishly to myself. I slowly tilted the bottle until at first just a drop, then a small but steady stream escaped the metal can in my hand.

The result was instantaneous. My friend sprung to his feet, hastily batting at his ear to get the water out.

"What'd ya do that for?" He glared at me, finally done freaking out, his dark brown hair on one side of his face dripping wet.

"What do you mean?" I asked mock-innocently before turning around and heading for Poe's craft. "I know where Ben is."

He snorted, still disgruntled from the manner of his wake up call. "How?"

I ignored him. "Tatooine. Come on, let's go."

*Ben's pov

Somehow this strange dark-skinned girl had found a way to charge Bee, and now being closer to civilization, he had used what little satellite connection he had to confirm that we definitely were apon the sand planet.

I hate sand.

"Were do you come from?" Nina asked me as we lay on our own blanket, Bee in between us, outside the hut, which after all day in the burning suns had reached sweltering temperatures.

I thought about her question and stretched on the blanket, careful not to let any of my limbs touch the horrible substance beyond the matirial. Throughout my childhood, my parents and I had moved from planet to planet, system to system, so many times that the word home brought no such location to mind. The emotions that came with the word revolved around peacefulness and love.

"The light," I finally answered, "I come from the light."

I sensed her frown, not understanding.

"Would you like me to explain?"


I took a deep breath, trying to remember how I used to explain it to the newbies at Lukes old Jedi Academy.

"Well," I started, "There is a power in the universe. A power of which everything is encircled with. This power is called The Force."

"The Force," Nina whispers under her breath, awe lacing her words.

"Yes, however this Force is split up into two different sections, an ever so fine line separating them. These two sections are commonly known as The Light and The Dark. The dark side of the force is what the First Order works by. They rule with fear and use their emotions to enhance and channel their power. The Light, however, lives by peace, humbleness, and the suppression of anger and other harmful emotions."

"The Light and The Dark," she mumbled again, as if committing them to memory. "So you live by the light?"

I swallowed, regret and thankfulness crowding my throat.

"I do now."


I apologize profoundly for the lack of an update, but in my defence we have recently moved to no-mans-land where data is non existing, wifi is slower than heck and my computer is somewhere in a pile of boxes. I will try to update more, but it's so much harder to write on my phone.

You guys are awesome for sticking through with my craziness! :):)

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