Chapter 8: I can't think of a chapter name

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Haha...good song...again...I love it...although it's generally a mild one, the base is dang amazing!


*Rey's POV

"Ben," I whispered, my arms locked around his neck. "We found you..."

"You sure did," I could hear the smile in his voice, and his arms tightened around my back.

A sigh escaped my lips, relief of having him back filling every inch of my body. Suddenly an unexpected anger floods through me and I pull back and grab his face with both hands.

"Benjamin Solo," I scolded. "Don't you dare ever disappear like that again!"

He just smiled at me and brushed away a tear, which up until that point I hadn't known I was crying.

"Promise me," I sniffled. 

"I promise," he said as he pulled me back into a hug.

"Excuse me, Ben?" a girl's voice came from behind him, to which I looked up to see a girl in her early teens with dark skin and long black hair staring at us with arms crossed and tapping her foot in impatience. "If you're leaving, I'd like the memo so I can go get your droid."

Ben pulled away and looked at the girl with sad eyes. "Yah, Nina, we're leaving," he said.

The girl seemed to deflate before my eyes. "Fine," she said her eyes falling to her feet, and started to turn away.

"As long as you come with us," Ben finished, and just like that, the girl whipped back around her mouth gaping and eyes wide.

"Really?" she breathed, hope consuming her words.

"Really," he smiled and she launched herself at him and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," she repeated over and over, and when Ben finally shook her off of him, her cheeks were shining with tears. If I didn't know any better I'd say that they were siblings by the way they acted.

Ben mockingly groaned and slightly tipped his head back. "So many tears!" he exclaimed. "Woman!"

I playfully glared at him and softly punched his arm causing him to laugh, along with the girl who's eyes were shining with excitement.

"So," the girl turned to me "my name's Nina, you must be Rey."

My eyes widened at her, not expecting her to know who I was. "Yes I'm Rey, um, how did you..."

She giggled. "Ben told me all about his little rey of sunshine." 

I immediately turned my gaze to the former sith to find him staring at his feet blushing profoundly. I smiled at him fondly, amused. My former sith.

"M-hmm," Poe coughed from behind me, not to subtly trying to get everyone's attention. "Well I hate to interrupt the good feelings-"

"No you don't," I interrupted and he laughs.

"Nope! But just in case you people didn't notice, um, X-Wings are not meant to hold desert girls, scavengers, siths and shockingly handsome Resistance pilots all at the same time. Not to mention the extra droid," Poe gestured to Bee, whirring loudly as he rolled out of the tent and to the group. "or the girl's belongings."

I clasped my hands in front of me and smiled at the pilot as if I were going to talk to a small child. 

"Poe, have you tried to contact the Resistance to send more ships?"

He looked sheepishly down at his feet. "No," He muttered and then looked up at me with confusion "But I thought we wanted to do this discretely. Calling Leia would definitely help that idea."

I took Ben's large hand in my much smaller one. "We found what we came for, that was what we wanted to do discretely. I'll face whatever punishment they throw at me for leaving. Nothing could be worse than the last few weeks."

"Fine, fine," he muttered. "But I think your idea of 'discrete' is a little off."

*Ben's POV

I was going home.

Poe radioed the Resistance and they're bringing ships to ship us back in which would arrive in a day or two. 

I stared at the stars above me, having volunteered to sleep outside along with Poe, leaving the tent to the girls. For the millionth time, my mother flashed through my mind. And for the millionth time, I worried for her well-being. Was she alright after I had spontaneously disappeared, or had she had finally broken.

Oh well, I would find out soon enough.


Haha, I should update more. Oh well, I try. 

Go check out that song, it's called I Found by Amber Run and is soooooooo good. Do I say that about every song? Oh well. I have such bad writers block today and am running on five hours of sleep so if the story doesn't flow, I'm sorry. 

I tried drawing the other day again, and I got Rey's face good, but I gave up after an hour that was wasted on trying to get Kylo's. 


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