Chapter 7: Finally

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You people are probably getting annoyed with my music, but again, I love this one with a burning passion. It's called Call Me by Shinedown.

*Rey's POV

We found the pod wreckage. Poe and I landed to rummage through the wrecked ship just to find it empty. But, that was okay because this wasn't were I had sensed him in the first place, I just had to make sure. And the lack of emergency food and water gave me hope that Ben wasn't wandering the desert supply-less. Or, maybe someone stole it...however I prefer the first.

"Rey!" Poe's voice rings to me from out side the craft as I shuffled around the inside contents.

"What?" I hollered back, squeezing out between the broken door and the wall. 

"Look," he said, his voice soft, not even looking at me. Irritated, I moved my gaze to were his gaze rested and nearly squealed with joy. 

"Footprints," Poe voiced as I just stood atop a small mound of sand gaping and fighting back tears of joy. "And an other trail, I'm not sure what made it."

The other trail just looked like flattened and smoothed sand for about a foot in width that traveled beside Ben's footprints.

I gently shake my head. "That doesn't matter."

"Alright," Poe said, and finally turned his head to look at me, his lips turned up in a hopeful smile. "Let's go get him."

*Ben's POV

I gasped, nearly dropping the small screw-driver in my hand, as my senses came crashing down on me. Bee whirred in front of me and Nina whipped around.

"What?" she asked, eyes wide "Are you okay?"

I looked at her, pure joy showing on my face. 

"She's here!"

No sooner had I said the words we could hear an engine in the distance. I launched to my feet, forgetting the limited height, and hit my head on the top. 

"Ugh, sorry," I muttered and launched to the door of the tent, which was a flap of fabric, pushed it aside and crawled hands and feet outside. As soon as possible, I rocketed back up to my feet and began searching the sky for the craft. 

"Ben!" Nina pushed her way out of the hut, Bee following. I didn't react, still earnestly searching above me. "Ben! What is going on?" 

"Rey," I finally muttered, giddiness flowing through my veins. 

"What do you mean 'Rey'?" the fourteen-year-old girl demanded. "And quit staring at the empty atmosphere for a moment, look at me and explain!"

I looked at her and smiled. "She's here! On Tatooine!"

She glared at me. "You don't know that."

"Yes, I do."


"I can scene her."

"I'm sure you think that you do," she sighed, looking down and letting sadness leak into her words. "But she won't. They never do."

"What-" I began, but she cut off the rest of my sentence.

"The First Order," she started. "My family dropped me off here, promising to come get me again when the war left our planet," she looked up at me again and glared. "I don't think I need to finish."

I stared at her with one emotion: guilt. 

"What planet were they on?" 


"I'm sorry."

She scowled. "Me too. Tell me if they ever show up." Nina turned, her long dark hair flowing behind her, and went back inside.

The sound of the engine never faded, and soon enough I saw something. A black dot on the horizon that gradually grew as time passed. 

Tentatively, I reached out to it with my mind. Rey? 

Her answer was immediate. 

We're coming.

Were are you?

Same planet as you, we found your wreckage.

Up until that moment I hadn't realized that I had been gritting my teeth, hoping, hoping that Nina was wrong; that Rey really was here. Comfort coursed through me and I let out a relieved breath.

I can see a ship, is it you? I asked.

Well I don't know,  do you see any specific attributes for examples?

Well, I hesitated, not yet.

Okay then, wait until we get closer then ask me, she said, her voice in my head patient as if she was talking to a child.

Yes, mom. I joked, instantly regretting it when the wave of homesick hit me.

Rey was silent for a moment before replying.

She misses you, you know. She finally said.

I know. 

I miss you, Ben.

I know.

The black speck in the distance was close enough I could almost actually see any characteristics that might be on the side, and the moment that the single orange stripe manifested its self to me I told Rey who confirmed that it was her. 

It was her.

It was her.

It was Rey.

The words swirled around in my mind along with the excitement and longing to see her again.

Rey's ride was a X-wing, probably Poe's, that came to rest about three hundred feet from the tent to which I went running.


Yup that's right, two chapters in a day. I still might not be able to update very quickly, but just know I'm sorry and I'm trying. 

Also GO LISTEN TO THAT SONG!!! It's just flat out beautiful. 

I love you people!

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