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**I left Sage's sorry ass at the house because I didn't know what to do with her at this point. I love Sage. I really do...but she trapped my black ass with TWO kids, and I already know she expect a nigga to put a ring on it, and I'm just not ready for all that right now. I mean obviously if I keep fuckin around on her dumb ass. I got in my car and made my way to Danae and Keenon's house because I knew he wasn't home, because of SC pictures and videos he was posting at the studio.

I pulled into their driveway and made my way to their door and rang their door bell and waited for Danae to answer the door. This could not have been easier. She was completely clueless about anything that was going on, and I made it a point to get it from her. So...let the games begin...😏

Danae: (opening the door) Oh...hey Tre...I was just taking a nap. Is everything okay?

Tre: Yeah everything is fine.(walking past her and to the living room)

Danae: Oh okay then...Well is there a particular reason you came by?

Tre: (walks towards her, and grabs her waist) I actually came here to see you...

Danae: (looking up at him) Uh...I uh..I'm just here doing nothing so..

Tre: Well let's do something then...(bites his lips and leans down to kiss her)

Danae: (starts kissing him, then turns her head) Uh..Tre I really think you need to go...(moving away from him)

Tre: Baby just relax...I know Keenon is losing his patience with you and hasn't been giving you the right attention..(grabs her wrist and leads her to the couch and sits her down)

Once I sat Danae down she was just looking up at me but I could tell that she was down for everything that was about to go down. I laid her back gently and softly rubbed the inside of her thighs and gave her a look, letting her know everything was okay. I slid her shorts off and my pants of as well and once she was my 'friend' I knew that she was down. I did what I had to do and she was fighting it at first but a couple minutes into it she was just letting it happen and her moans and the scratches on my back let me know that she wasn't exactly hating the situation. I been waiting for the absolute longest to get me some Danae and it was happening, and it was everything I thought it would be.

Keenon POV

**After the whole thing with Danae went down I just had to get out of the house. I ended up going to the studio and smoked a couple of fat ones because this whole situation just had me wanting to give up, but I knew I couldn't do that because Danae has been trying, and she barely knows what's going on so I just need to be patient with her. On my way back to the house I picked her up some Panera because that is her absolute favorite. I know it won't make up for me putting my hands on her once again, but it was the least I could do, because I knew I had some explaining to do when I get home.

I pulled into the driveway and grabbed the bag of food and walked up to the door, only to be confused at the fact that the door was already cracked open a little bit. I put my keys in my pocket and walked in the house slowly. I walked down the long hallway leading to the living room, and I could hear clear moans coming from the living room, and I was just praying to God that I wasn't about to see what I thought I was about to see. I made my way in the living room and there she was. There she was with one of my so called homeboys. I dropped the bag of food which made the both of them look my way and Danae quickly sat up, but Tre was TOO nonchalant about this.

Keenon: So this is what we do?

Tre: (smirking, putting his pants back on) I mean when you don't give your girl the attention she need, she gets restless.

Keenon: Oh so you called him over here?(looks at Danae)

Danae: (puts her pants back on) No! He just showed up.

Keenon: You know what? It doesn't even really matter. Because either way it goes, the both of you were fuckin. In MY house! On MY couch!(gets in Tre's face) Nigga you need to go. Now.

Tre: (smirks and looks him up and down) Gladly.(shrugs and looks at Danae and bites his lip) I'll call you ma.(walks out and gets in his car and swerves off)

Keenon: (clenches his jaw and paces the room) Danae I am really trying my best to keep my patience with you but you are making it REALLY hard at this point. All I want to do is get us right and get us and you back on track, but you are really testing me with all of your run around games.

Danae: Keenon you don't do shit for me! You don't talk to me unless I talk to you first, or if I have a doctor's appointment. Keenon if I could go back and fix whatever I did I would! But I can't and I can't help that! It doesn't matter how much I don't remember or how bad my amnesia is, I still have my needs!

Keenon: Bitch we wouldn't even be going through this if you wasn't so damn crazy tryna overdose and shit! It was just a sextape! Yo black ass would've survived!

Danae: Keenon I-cuts herself off- Wait...That's why I overdosed? A sextape?

Keenon: (sighs) Yes...

Danae: (nods her head) And you think that's okay? You think that, that's something I would be okay with?

Keenon: (sighs loudly and rubs his face, sitting on the couch) Danae what the fuck do you want from me?

Danae: (shakes her head slowly) You know what Keenon? I don't want anything from you. I mean it's not like I remember what we had anyways, so why am I even here right? So I'll go, and my kids and I will make our own memories.(walks upstairs and into the room and starts packing her stuff)

I watched Danae walk up the steps and what she said had just hit me. I got up and jogged up the steps and saw her packing all her stuff. At this point she can do whatever the hell she wanted to do, but she won't be dragging Dre and Hazel with her. She finished packing the rest of her stuff and stood in front of me since I was standing in the doorway. She looked up at me with her big, brown eyes, that damn near had me weak.

Danae: Can you move please? I have more packing to do.

Keenon: Nope. Dre and Hazel are staying right here. It's not like you remember shit about them anyways. So you can go but my kids will be staying here.

Danae: (drops her bags and pushes him) Keenon move!

Keenon: (grabs her wrist and shakes her) Danae stop!(slams her on the wall and holds her arms above her head) Danae I love you! I really do! And as much as I don't want you to leave...I just..I just can't do shit for you anymore.(gently let's her arms down and kisses her)

Danae: (kisses him back)

Keenon: (pulls away, and pecks her lips one more time) Goodbye Danae.(moves out of her way)

With that being said she grabbed her bags and made her way out of the house. The sound of the front door opening and closing sent chills down my spine because I knew that this really might just be the end..

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