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Jenelle POV

**I don't know who Keenon thinks he is tryna dismiss me with his BabyMuva drama, but I needed to let him know that I am not the one. If he doesn't think I do shit for him and his kids then Ima let his ass think that, but I am not going to have him thinking that I'm not going to clap back. Nobody disses Jenelle Amor Rodriguez.

I walked upstairs and into Dre's room, to find him just sitting on the little couch he had in his room, with his foot propped up on his little desk, playing Madden as usual. I walked up to him and asked him if he wanted to play a game, which caused him to pause his game. He agreed to play with me and that's when I started tickling him.

He ran off and as I ran after him I spit the blade out of my mouth that had been sitting at the roof of my mouth all day and slit the back of his neck which caused him to scream and I felt a certain type of satisfaction. He fell to the floor, crying and screaming in pain and that's when I just walked off to Keenon's room and tried to shut the door quietly, but my hand slipped causing me to slam it. I cursed to myself and quickly made my way to the bathroom.

Keenon POV

**I grabbed Hazel and ran up the steps and there I saw Dre laid out in the middle of the hallway, in front of his bedroom door, holding the back of his neck and crying heavily. Hazel looked at him and covered her eyes quickly, and crying instantly. I didn't blame her because the amount of blood Dre was laying in was terrifying.

I picked him up and ran out to the nearest car in the driveway and hopped in, putting Hazel in the backseat and Dre in the front so that I could monitor his blood loss. I sped to the hospital and Dre was just crying, and crying, and crying some more. I couldn't even begin to understand how he did this to himself. I pulled up at the hospital and grabbed him and walked inside with Hazel walking in front of me so that I can watch her.

Dre had blood running down his back, in his hair, and all on his neck. A doctor was walking past us, and saw him and told me to follow him. He examined him and told me he needed stitches ASAP. Some nurses came to the room we were in and we're going to take him to another room to do what they needed to do.

Dre: (holding Keenon's hand tight) No! Daddy you have to come with me!

Keenon: Dre you know I'm going to be right here when you come out...(kisses his head) You gotta do this...now go back there like a man would. Okay?

Dre: (wipes his tears and nods) Okay.(walks out with the nurses)

I didn't want to see Dre go back there by himself because I want to be there with him every second of the day but the doctor said I had to wait in the waiting room. Hazel had fallen asleep so I was holding her while she laid on my shoulder. An hour went by and Dre finally walked out. I got up and he walked up to me and reached up for me, so I picked him up and he laid his head on my other shoulder. Dre was 6 damn years old and he still always wanted to be picked up and I blame Danae. The doctor who walked out behind him, walked up to me to tell me the damage.

Doc: You are very lucky Mr. Jackson. If his skin was penetrated anymore, his spinal cord would have been cut off.

Keenon: (sighs) Damn...But he's good though now right?

Doc: Yes. His stitches should dissolve in a couple weeks. The scarring shouldn't be too bad. (Hands his some meds) Have him take these chewable antibiotics every night, after every meal.

Keenon: (takes the meds) Thanks Doc. I'll make sure he does.(turns to walk away)

Doc: Um..Keenon...There's one more thing that needs to be discussed...

Keenon: Okay...Wassup?

Before the doctor could say anything a lady walked up on us and put her hand out, introducing herself as Mrs. Robinson. I looked at the doctor confused but my attention changed from the doctor to the lady quickly once she told me that she was a Social Worker.

Keenon: (looking at the woman confused) Social Worker?

Mrs. Robinson: Yes...I was called by your doctor because of your sons injury...

Keenon: This as just a simple mistake. Anything could have caused this. I wasn't there when it went down.

Mrs. Robinson: So...Child Neglect?(writing in her notepad) We will have a follow up meeting and a court date but for now I will have to take both children...

Keenon: Hell no!(holding Hazel and Dre tighter)

I held Hazel and Dre tighter not having any intentions on letting them go, but 4 police men came and 2 of them took Hazel and Dre and handed them to the Social Worker lady. I charged at her trying to grab them, but the other two police men grabbed me and pried me to the floor and held me down as the woman walked away with my kids. I pushed them off of me and stormed out of the hospital.

I had tears running down my face because my kids were just taken away from me because of some false assumptions they made about me and my family. I got in my car and sped off to Danae's house so that I could tell her what happened. I swerved into her driveway and at this point all I wanted to do was break down.

I knocked on her door constantly and waited for her to answer and I don't know what came over me but once I saw her I dropped to my knees, hugged her waist and cried my hardest. She looked confused, but didn't ask any questions and just got on her knees and hugged me tight. A million thoughts were running through my head but I knew that my top priority was to get my kids back. I didn't care what I had to do to get them, I just knew I had to.

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