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Danae POV

**Its been a few months and some days I feel great, but other days I'm in complete agony. Hazel and Dre know exactly what's going on, and they do everything they can to help me and make sure I'm okay. Keenon has changed completely. He comes and gets the kids when he says he will, he makes sure I'm okay every single day, all while keeping up with Braelynn who is 3 months pregnant.

Braelynn and I have grown to be pretty good friends, and now I don't have to worry about being lied to because I already know that she's fucking Keenon. August has been my rock through everything that's been happening. He wakes up with me when I'm feeling sick, and he makes sure I take my medicine, and he does everything and anything else I could ask for. Today I was feeling especially sick, so August and I were headed to the doctor's office so that he could check me out.

Dre and Haze were with Keenon so we didn't have to worry about them. August pulled up to the doctor's office and I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it in there because my whole body was just aching. He walked inside and got a wheelchair for me, and wheeled me inside. We signed in and not too long after that, we got called back.

I decided to go back there by myself because I didn't want August to have to worry about anything else he had to because this visit could go real left, real fast, and today I had a feeling in my gut that it would. I gave August a kiss, before I wheeled myself back to the doctor's office. I got myself up on the bed thingy and the doctor proceeded to follow through with a pelvic ultrasound.

I looked up at the screen and basically everything that was supposed to be in tact...really wasn't....the cancer had gotten so bad that my uterus basically started...'eroding'. Once the ultrasound was over she left the room, and I put my jeans back on. The doctor came back and had a sympathetic look on his face...which really made me worry.

Danae: (sighs and looks at the doctor) Come on Doc...Just let me know..

Doc: Well..It really hurts me to tell you this...but even with the treatments, and meds...the cancer has spread way too much, and way too fast...

Danae: Okay...

Doc: (sighs) What I'm trying to say is...You have very little time to live...

Danae: (letting her eyes get watery) How long do I have?

Doc: Less than a month...

Danae: (nods and let's tears fall) Thank you...

After I heard that I had less than a month to live, I didn't have anything else to say. I just made my way back out to the waiting room. August stood up and walked towards me, helping me walk out and to the car. I didn't want to tell him what I just heard, because I honestly didn't want to repeat it. I could die within a few weeks, and the thought of that just made me cringe.

August and I got in the car and he turned to look at me, wiping my tears. Of course he asked me what happened, but I just told him that it was the usual stuff. He sighed and proceeded to drive home. Once he pulled into the driveway, I slowly but surely walked inside, already being too exhausted to make it up the steps so I settled for the couch.

August came and laid down with me for a while but then he got a call, concerning his nieces so of course he left and I was okay with that. I sat in silence by myself, letting everything hit me. The doorbell rang and I just yelled for whoever it was to come in because I couldn't bring myself to get up. Keenon walked into the living room, with a smile on his face. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and sat next to me.

Danae: What are you doing here?

Keenon: I came to see you of course. I seen August leaving out.

Back To Square One....••Trilogy to His Name Was Keenon••Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz