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Keenon POV

**August went out to his car to get Dre's present because I guess it was something big, and the kids were just playing in the living room, while Braelynn and I just chilled on the couch. I heard a trash bag fall in the kitchen but I figured it was just Danae being clumsy, so I brushed it off, but then she started screaming for August and since he wasn't even in the house, I hopped off my ass and ran to the kitchen.

The sight looked like it was something out of a movie. There was blood all over the floor and Danae was completely passed out. I picked her up and once I turned around Hazel and Dre were just watching everything happen. They saw that it was Danae passed out and they both lost it. I called Braelynn to the kitchen so that she could take the kids out of here, while August and I took Danae to the hospital.

Braelynn grabbed Dre and Hazel and went upstairs with them, while I ran outside and to Aug's car. When he saw Danae I could already see some tears filling his eyes, and I didn't blame him because Danae looked like she was in bad condition. He got in the driver's seat, and I got in the backseat and tried to keep Danae awake because the last thing I wanted was for her to fall back into another coma.

It didn't take long but when August pulled up to the hospital he took Danae from me in the backseat and ran inside. I ran after him and the doctors rushed Danae off, telling August and I that we had to sit in the waiting room. I really didn't want to have the kids here but I know what's Danae comes to, she's going to be asking for them, so I called Braelynn and asked her to bring the kids to the hospital.

Braelynn POV

**I was upstairs in what I assumed to be Dre's room with both Hazel and Dre, and they were sitting in my arms crying their little eyes out. I comforted them, because I didn't see what was happening but from Keenon and the kids reaction it couldn't have been a mild problem. Dre looked up at me, with uncontrollable tears rolling out of his eyes and it just broke my heart, especially since it was supposed to be his day.

Dre: What happened to my Mommy?

Braelynn: I don't know baby...(kisses his forehead) But I'm sure that she will be just fine...

Hazel: There was a lot of blood on the floor...(crying) I think she cut herself on accident.

Braelynn: Maybe..we just have to think positive in these situations because God is going to make sure that your Mommy pulls through anything that happens to her. Okay?

After I said that they both just nodded and laid their heads on my chest. I saw my phone light up, so I picked it up and it was Keenon asking me to bring the kids to the hospital. I got the both of them in the car and headed off to the hospital, making it there in about 30 minutes. We saw Keenon and August sitting in the quiet waiting room, when we walked in Keenon looked up from his hands.

Hazel and Dre made their way over to him and sat on each of his legs, laying their heads on his shoulders. I walked over and sat next to him, grabbing his hand. We all sat their in silence, until the doctor walked out and Keenon laid the kids on the chair, walking up to the doctor, behind August.

Aug: How's Danae? Is she okay? Is she awake?

Keenon: Come on doc, let us know wassup.

Doc: Are you both family of...(looking in a folder) Danae Magdaleno?

Keenon: Yes! Can you just let us know if she okay?!

Doc: (sighs)....Well...as I'm sure you both know, Danae was pregnant. Unfortunately, Danae had a miscarriage, because of the cancer in her cervix. We don't know how long she had had Cervical Cancer, but it has spread rapidly.

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