here + now

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let us not allow our past encounters,
to stunt our current growth,
and prevent ourselves from blooming.

let us firmly grasp the grisly gonads of Life,
with both our able hands,
acting only in the moment in which we wield agency.

the elderly Past has been jaded by the passing of time,
cynical and suspecting -
she will never change her ways.

the adolescent Future,
is elusive and intangible -
forever frolicking outside our reach,

only the frail and unsuspecting Present,
may we corral into darker alleys to commit unlawful deeds,
bending and breaking Today to our heart's desire.

seize the Hour and the Day by storm,
for the only thing
that lies within your grasp,
is the Here and the Now -

in the right hands,
that is more than enough,
to change the world.

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