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swirling clouds of neon emotions,
supercharged by a million volts of power,
electrified into an aurora of swirling lights,

flowing in and around each other,
becoming one and another,
a sensory overload,

blowing brains out with shotgun smile,
a synaesthesial orchestra,
melting into the bottom of a shot glass.

beneath the clouds,
lies a blanket of water,
unsullied by even a single ripple,
expanding into the horizon,
extending downwards into an infinite ocean,

naked, grey trees,
standing on lonely islands,
frozen in time.
they feel the wind go past them.
but they have no leaves to offer,
they've all been torn away,

their limbs grow into the sky,
thin black lines overlapping,
forming an impenetrable web,
all reaching towards the unattainable,
towards the neon storm above,

a fire is lit,
deep below the web,
the perfect ocean --set alight,

a wall of fire,
spat out of the watery depths
all the trees scream a song of fire and burning.

the web of branches smoulders into nothing,
revealing sapphire ocean turned alight,
turned to fire,
turned to flame,
turned to void,

the empty,

the neon storm continues in the sky,
unperturbed by the short-lived trifles,
that lie below the stars.

Maybe mountains dream at night?

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