the ride

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up and down,
like a merry go round,
where no one,
can ever get off,
faster and faster,
the candy cane blades,
pulling out your tongue,
pulling out your lungs,
ripping out your childhood,
transplanting maturity.
blinding bright, molten metal,
into your aorta,
to cauterise the barbed wire,
wrapping 'round
your nerve endings.

but it's okay,
you have to be over it now,
here's the coloured noose
you wear.
don the hide of darkness,
wrap yourself in artificial light,
buzzing, buzzing,
shaving all the years away,
until the only memories
you have
are in your bleeding muscles,
not your rotting brain,
assembling the same tasks,
pieces on the assembly line
from the remnants of
your hopes and dreams.

someone pulled the plug,
no more treadmill,
here comes the crescendo,
from all the hungry mosquitoes,
lamenting their feast,
from inside the flatline monitor.

hope you enjoyed
the ride.

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