it comes it comes it comes

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i stare into the pyramid and it stares into me me me
it sees
i see
the light is purple blue violet rainbow black and red
the colour of an unspoken truth
cosmic flow upon the starlight
electricity everywhere
i can feel it
flow flux beams sky
the stars flow like liquid like water upon quicksilver upon lava upon dreams
it comes
the low growl of the sand
the high yell of the wind
the grains on my skin
they are coarse like an unpleasant sound
it comes
it walks into the darkness and returns a saviour anointed in black blood and bile
the crimson
it flows like a winding river
it comes it comes it comes
the great snake
larger than a world
faster than the wind
red eyes like molten hatred
scales of malevolence
run on water
dance on sand
spit on the ashes and call it a grave
consume it all
it comes it comes it comes
tunnels made of smoke
dark passages
choking on the air
lots of bodies all together
dancing eating drinking
wallowing in filth
hiding its sin in a pit like vermin
tiny vermin crawling through the walls
through the veins of the earth
all around
thousands of millions under the skin under the sinew and marrow and spirit
get it out get it out get it out
the swarm consumes
it comes it comes it comes
burning heat
clay hovels
busy streets
scabbard unsheathed
crimson stains on the gravel
it stares at its own body
pink and red and yellow and white pouring out
soft entrails innards organs sustenance
it thinks
its head is missing
it comes it comes it comes
too many words
they talk
shut up shut shut up
no more words left
sounds keep flowing
never-ending pain
confusion like a waterfall
where am i
what have you done
convulsions on the spattered spikes
they are deaf
the words pour out like angry locusts
they think
look at that vermin on the floor
i am not like that vermin
i am proud
i am walking
i am doing
then i cleanse them with the steel
it comes it comes it comes
muffled crowd past the walls
they wait
they hunger
stomach swirling like a sea of nerves caught aflame
electricity stuck in the lungs
madness stuck in the mind
it prays
i do not want to
i wish to live
i don't die now
i can't
i must live
that is not my story
a different fates awaits it
it says
you must go
the doors open
sound blasts in
the arena swallows it like the snake and the rat
the horned thing awaits
it comes it comes it comes
clapping hands
shouting voices
the horns come closer closer closer
so very fast
it dodges
the horns and the feeble creature dance
round and round and round
like the moon and the sun
the never ending years
stomping shouting yelling
fuck fuck fuck
the grimy sweaty faces
they want blood
stuff the bread into its filthy mouth
drain the wine
more more more
sand hurts tired
it comes it comes it comes
taste of blood upon its mouth
horns through the ribs
knife through the soul
a story ends
it wins
it loses
bring on the next
it comes it comes it comes

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