rinse + repeat

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allow me to capitalise on my own tragedy,
i'll go ahead and show you,
that which you can't see,
i'm beginning to unfurl,
this pain inside of me,
i'll show what it's like,
really being me,
being you,
being conscious of our being.

in mornings i wake up,
up, up,
waiting patiently...
enduring graciously...
until it's time to go to sleep,
rinse repeat,
every day,
it's the same,
i feel broken,
like a record,
i repeat the same mistakes,

but the stakes are getting higher,
it's written on the flyer,
stakes are stabbing through my heart,
the blood is getting dryer,
desire, fire, tires,
on the asphalt
feasts are for the liars,

the think is different,
but the do is still the same,
brain is on a treadmill,
i was born into a game,
where there's money but no dice,
before you crawl,
you gotta get yourself in fights,
eat the nights,
pain -- it bites,

like the rusty nails in the morning,
hammering into bone,
i call them memories,
but not the madness,
not the sadness,
i keep those in chains,
inside my guts.

every change is just the same,
every day is just the same,
i'm falling sideways through a house,
with a million million rooms,
different paintings on the walls,
but who's to blame?
it's still the same
it exists until you fall,
but you're always falling,
always burning, screaming,

kill me someone, dearly,
fear me, dear me, hear me
but only when it's Death,
will things began to change.

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