Ship Down (Part 2)

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(A/N: Y/N/N - Your Nickname
The video will help get a better understanding of the Would You Rather part, Enjoy!)
"Oh my stars. How does this even happen?" I whispered under my breath. Most of the exterior was torn apart, thrusters? Gone, just gone. Engine's most definitely shot, how did they have a safe landing?
"What do you think (Y/N/N), can we fix it?" said Genevieve, walking up behind me.
"Well, we could, but it's basically making a new ship. There are so many parts missing or broken that all we really have is a frame."
"Qwark gave me a list of things he wants for the ship."
"Of course he did." I say, rolling my eyes. "What does he think this is, 'Pimp My Ship'?"
"Well at least he is paying us, plus, it will give you a bit of a challenge."
"Yeah." I sighed. " Well today will just be a day of taking off all the parts we don't need."
"Alright, get Almond and Io to help you, I'll be heading out getting the parts we need. Also, Qwark said he would be here with part of his team to make sure everything is sorted out." Genevieve said as she left the garage.
"Great." I say, and walk to the living quarters.
I go to Iolite's, or Io's, room first. I knocked, when I didn't get a response I walked in. Io was sprawled across her bed, sheets thrown everywhere, her head slightly hanging off the bed. She truly only looks like she's ten. Hard to believe she's Twenty-Three.
"Up and at 'em sunshine! We've got work to do!" I yell.
"Wha?" she says, still half asleep.
"Come on, we've got a ship to work on." I say, picking her up under her arms and dragging her a little bit off her bed. Her short black hair in a mess, as always, squinting her violet eyes.
"Ugh, ten more minutes." Io says, falling back asleep in my arms.
"Come on Io! I need your help today, we gotta tear some stuff apart!"
I see her eyes open.
"I do like tearing stuff apart... Give me ten minutes to change." She says, jumping out of my arms.
I smile and walk out of her room. Next was Almond. I was pretty sure she was back in her room, so I decided to check there first. Just as I was about to knock, the door opened, revealing Almond dressed for the day and her red eyes with a slight tint of purple staring back at me.
"Oh, hey (Y/N/N). How'd it go with Genevieve?" she asked.
"Fine. But I need your help taking Qwark's ship apart."
"Geez, don't you think that hate is going a little too far?"
"I'm not doing it because I hate him, I'm fixing his ship, but a lot of the parts on it are broken or already torn apart. So i need help taking those parts off."
Almond lets out a laugh.
"Alright, let's go tear apart this prick's ship."

By midnight all the parts that weren't needed or destroyed were torn off the ship, and I was right about it being just a frame. But, we all worked through the night and now, all we have to do is fix the inside and make it look nice.
It was eleven-thirty, and we all were sitting around waiting on Qwark and his crew to show up.
"What time did you say this dude was suppose to show up?" said Io, annoyance clearly in her voice. Which she had every right to be annoyed, she could be doing better things than waiting around for someone who was three hours late.
"He said they would be here at eight." said Genevieve, keeping her calm and not looking up from the book she was reading.
"Ugh, this is so boring." Almond said.
"You and (Y/N/N) should do the Would You Rather challenge again. That was fun to watch." Io says, sitting up in her chair.
"Eh, I'm fine with it. How about you (Y/N), you ready to lose?" says Almond.
"Ha! In your dreams!" I say, at least this will help pass the time.


It was a close game. Me and Almond were both down to one point, neck and neck.
"Alright (Y/N)" Almond said. "Would you rather, always drive below the speed limit or always over- is this serious?"
"Always over? Because it's fun?" Almond gives me a disbelief look. "I don't know-!"
"I thought it was easy, but here comes (Y/N)-"
"Fuck the law! I don't care!"
Almond picked my choice, turns out I was on the low side of the pick. Almond claps in a slow manner.
"I appreciate your honesty (Y/N/N)." she says, trying not to laugh.
"Try and catch me motherfuckers! 'Cause I'm not stopping!" I say, we all end up in just a mess of laughter.
"I'm a basic bitch, like 'I must be going 3 miles per hour', you're just like, 'Woooo! 200!"
"Yeah, speed limit says 30, that's a speed challenge!"
"Haha, alright, punishment time."


I come back with my 'punishment' and see that Genevieve is not with Almond or Io.
"Where's Genevieve?" I ask.
"She said she had to do something." says Almond as I sit down. "Now, what are you doing?" she asks smiling.
"'Gonna be doing some shots."
"Crushed Red Pepper." I say before laughing. "I couldn't find anything else in the kitchen that I thought ' Wow, thats gonna really fuking suck.'"
We all laugh a I pour the pepper on the spoon a brought.
"Gosh, I can already smell it." I say, gimmincing.
"Just don't think about it." says Io.
I knock back the pepper as fast as I can, Almond and Io watching intently. It wasn't that bad actu- Nope, there it is. My ears go back at the sudden awful taste. Almond and Io were laughing at my expression.
"It's so bad." I say with sadness in my voice. Almond and Io just laugh harder. "Can't swallow."
"Well yeah, it's just raw chile." Almond laughs.
I finally got it down and stick my tongue out to show that I swallowed.
"Oh my gosh, it's so fucking hot now." I say, and drink my water as fast as I can.
"Yeah you chug that shit." Says Io.
My water empties quickly, but my mouth still feels like its burning.
"I brought back-up." I said, lifting a jug of chocolate milk out from under the table. Io and Almond start laughing again. "It's chocolate." I say as I start chugging, and that just makes them laugh more.
"Poor, poor (Y/N)." Almond says.
I put my head down on the table, the coolness of the wood somewhat helping my burning mouth.
"Alright everyone, Qwark and his team are here." I hear Genevieve say. I turned my head to take a look, and saw the most beautiful emerald green eyes I ever saw.
(1151 Words)

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