For A While (Soulmate AU #8)

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A/n: For the people that requested this!
I'm writing this with my Bluetooth keyboard, which if there are writers on here that post from their phone, I highly recommend you get one, it makes typing SO MUCH EASIER.

IMPORTANT!!— If you want to request something, please do so on the Soulmate AU request chapter, or message me directly, it makes it easier for me to find your requests and helps me make sure I get your requests done.

'"For a while" is a phrase whose length can't be measured. At least by the person who's waiting.' This quote never felt more real until now. While looking at the tiny numbers tick away, at a young age, everyone would tell me, "You won't find them for a while." Even with 15 minutes left, it still feels like I'm not going to see my soulmate, for a while.
"Y/N, staring at your timer doesn't make it go faster." Said (Manager's name-M/N).
"StArInG aT yOuR tImEr DoEsN't MaKe It Go FaStEr, OoOoOoO, i DoN't HaVe To WoRrY aBoUt My TiMeR."
"Hey! Don't mock me! I'm serious, staring only makes it worse." I can feel (M/N) glaring at me. "I was in the same position you're in when my timer was on its last minutes."
"Then you should know how I feel right now! If I look away I will miss my chance of finally seeing my soulmate." I can see my arm shaking from anticipation, the final moments before I see them, my soulmate.
"You won't miss your soulmate, trust me. But you're going to go grey if you keep staring at it. Why don't you come help me finish the repairs on this ship, it will help take your mind off the anxiety this timer is giving you." (M/N) said.
I sigh in defeat and agree to help. Working on ships does help clear my mind. Finally, I look away from my timer and enter the garage. The ship was truly a sight to see, it was sleek and seemed to be well taken care of. I walk up, putting my hand on right side wing, and let out a low whistle.
"This thing's a beaut! I don't see anything wrong, why was it brought in?" I question.
"My name is Aphelion." I jump back by the sudden voice coming from the ship. "I was brought early this morning because my HD-800 screen seems to be malfunctioning. My owner could easily fix me, but a part is missing for him to do so. I was brought here so that I could be repaired and my owner and his partner can answer the distress call that was made in a nearby city. 'Multitasking' as Clank put it."
Clank? Whose Clank?
"Well you're in luck my sentient friend, I got a brand new shipment of the part you need a few days ago." (M/N) explains, bringing a large box of new parts over. "I'm sure (Y/N) won't mind repairing you while I finish up the paper work from my other repair." (M/N) sets the box down and takes her leave, but, not before I hear her comments under her breath. 'Honestly, how does someone damage a ship that badly? What kind of name is "Cork" anyway?'
Finally alone with the ship, I take the part I need from the box and jump into the ships cockpit. Now knowing that the ship was sentient, the atmosphere felt awkward while I began repairing the screen.
".... It's been awhile since I've seen a female lombax. I was sure that there were none left in this dimension." Aphelion says, disturbing the quiet and once again startling me.
'Stars above, it's going to be hard to get used to that.' I mumbled. " What do you mean 'in this dimension'?" I ask, finishing up the repair.
"When Tachyon attacked Fastoon, many lombaxes fled to a different dimension. Some are still here, but, you are the first female I've seen." Aphelion explains.
"Wait, so you've seen other Lombaxes?"
"Yes, in fact-" Aphelion was cut off by voices entering the garage.
"I swear, it's not my fault the ship crashed."
"I have a hard time believing that."
"As do I."
"Awww, c'mon guys! At least we got the same mechanic, now we don't have to make two trips!"
"Why did you even call us if your ship is being repaired?"
"... I didn't want to be lonely."
I gingerly poke my head out of the cockpit to see who has entered the garage. A tall man in a full green suit, a tiny robot and- my arm was tingling. The lombax, that I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of, faltered in step and stopped. He pulled the bottom of his glove up to see his wrist, I could see his eyes widen. I realized what the tingling in my arm was and looked at my own wrist.
I look back up to see the lombax is now staring at me, and in that instant, I finally understood. The warmth that immediately surrounded me, this feeling that I can't even seem to put into words. The look in his eye told me he felt it too, and I couldn't help but smile.
'This is something that I want to last for a while.'

"Hey Cork, you're back. I need you to sign this for your ship."
"It's Qwark!"
"Again, is that not exactly what I said?"

A/n:Wooohooo late night post! Anyone up? Sorry or any mistakes or sentences that don't make sense. I am very tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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