Ship Down (Part 3)

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A/N: The video above is just something I was listening to while I was writing this (M83 is great!) Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
I couldn't help but stare. It was another Lombax! A MALE Lombax! I know this because one, my book tells me that male Lombaxes have tails, and two, HOT DAMN. I quickly turned my head back to the table when I saw him look my way. I couldn't get his eyes out of my head, those stunning green eyes.
    "Oh goodness, what did you guys make her punishment?" Genevieve says, I automatically know she's talking about me. If she was talking about someone else I would be concerned.
    "She took a big ol spoonful of Crushed Red Pepper." Io says, wheezing from laughing so much.
"Oh gosh." Genevieve whispers, almost exasperated. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" she asks in a caring voice.
"My mouth is burning... There is an intense fire in my mouth." I groan. 
"I got it on video if you'd like to watch it later." Io says to Genevieve. "It's great, I almost died laughing!"
"YOU almost died? How do you think I felt!? I had a burning inferno in my mouth! I thought it wasn't that bad at first, but then it hit me like a brick wall!" I say, lifting my head off the table. I didn't even know she was videotaping. Io ends up falling out of her chair laughing and Almond is laughing while running around clapping her hands like an idiot.
I can feel someone staring at me and look from the corner of my eye to see it's the other Lombax. I turned my head and look back at him. Everything else seemed to melt away. It was just me and him. In that moment, I felt as if I always knew him.
"Ok, can you guess stop fucking each other with your eyes, it's starting to creep me out." Io says. Turn away, my face burning with embarrassment, and possibly the crushed red pepper.
"Well, let's do a quick little introduction before we get started." Genevieve said. "I'm Genevieve, the owner of this garage, as you probably already know. This is Almandine, or Almond-"
"Only family can call me Almond, so don't call me that unless you want to get burned." Almond interrupted to part of the Galactic Ranger crew in a menacing tone.
"And she is our welder, best in the business." Genevieve continued. "This is Iolite, or Io,"
Io basically gave a look that said 'Call me that and I'll kill you.' She can give some really scary looks.
"And she is our electrician, best person to go to." I could tell Genevieve was starting to get a little bit irritated with the comments and looks. "And the little bundle of joy whose mouth is on fire is (Y/N), or (Y/N/N)..." Genevieve paused to see if I had anything to say, I just shrugged my shoulders in a gesture that said 'I don't care'. Genevieve almost looked like she sighed in relief. "And she is the Co-manager, she knows anything and everything about any vehicle, need to know something, go to her."
"Well, everybody knows who I am." Qwark says. "I'm Captain Copernicus Qwark, defender of the galaxy, evil's worst enemy, th-"
"Yeah, Yeah. I think we got it Qwark." the Lombax said. That warm comforting voice...
"Well, let us get on with introductions, shall we?" said a little robot, who I didn't notice before. "I am Clank and this is Ratchet." He said pointing to himself, then to the Lombax. So his name is Ratchet. "It is a pleasure to meet you all."
We all shake hands and when I shake Ratchets hand, it didn't feel like a shock like those romance novels that Almond reads explain. It felt warm, almost tingly. It was like being outside on a cold snowy night and then wrapping yourself in a warm blanket that just got out the dryer. It almost made me shiver, but I contained myself. When we stopped shaking hands, we didn't let go. We looked into each other's eyes, and I knew he felt what I did.
(675 Words)

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