Ship Down (Part 4)

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A/N: Sorry if it's short

Genevieve was talking to Qwark about all the things he wanted for the ship while I was drawing a basic layout. Ratchet was looking over my shoulder, watching me work.
"And that should be about it." Qwark said.
"We should have it ready soon, Captain Qwark." Genevieve replied.
"Oh, this will be great! My own custom ship that meet all my god like needs!"
I rolled my eyes. He can be so full of himself.
"I should have the layout ready by tomorrow." I say to Genevieve.
"Well then, we should get going. We don't want to be too much of a bother." Clank says.
"Yes! I have to get my beauty sleep! I have to look good for my adoring fans!" said Qwark.
"Uh, I don't think you guys are gonna be able to leave..." I hear Io say.
"And why is that?" Qwark asks.
"Well, probably because it looks like there's a big storm coming, and if you get caught in that, well, you might not see the light of day." said Io as she looked out the window.
"Oh yeah! I heard the news talking about that!" I hear Almond say. I look over to see she's sitting on a recliner with her legs over the armrest reading her book. "Suppose to be like 'The Storm of the Century', or something like that. It's gonna get real bad."
"Well then, you might as well stay here." Genevieve says.
"We don't want to intrude-" Clank says, holding up his hands.
"Nonsense!" Genevieve interrupts. "I'm sure we have enough rooms, besides, it will be nice to have a little bit of company."
"Well, if you insist." Clank replies.
"Come on, (Y/N) and I will show you to the spare rooms." With that, Genevieve lead the way into the living quarters with Ratchet, Clank, Qwark, and myself in tow.
We did have quite a few spare rooms, some of which we made into a sort of activity room for ourselves, and some of which just in case other people stay over.
Genevieve led us down to the hall that had our rooms on it, you could tell which one was which because our door were painted to our liking. At the end of the hal was an open room with ceiling to floor windows, has a great view, I must say. The room was decorated to have a, tropical feel, I guess you could say. With a whole bunch of pants everywhere, an indoor waterfall, and a somewhat gravel like floor. We all usually end up there in the morning if we're not working, it really is relaxing.
"All right, pick a room that does not have a door painted, that will be the room you will be staying in while you're here." Genevieve says.
I noticed Ratchet picked the door next to my (however you want your door to be painted) painted door.
"Me and Clank can share a room." Ratchet says.
"Which one of these rooms would you consider to be 'Presidential Suite'?" Qwark asked.
'Did he seriously just ask that?' I thought.
"I must only have the best room, a galactic hero like myself needs good rest." says Qwark.
'He seriously just asked that!' now I was getting annoyed. 'Does he think we're some five star hotel!?'
"I think that one would suit you." Genevieve replies in a calm manner.
"Great! Then I shall see you all in the morning!" Qwark says, entering the room Genevieve pointed too.
"You know, you don't have to give into his wants. He doesn't need a great room." Ratchet says.
"Don't worry all the guest rooms are the same, it wouldn't really matter." I reply to him.
"I'm sorry if he has been rude or annoying-" Ratchet apologizes.
"No its ok." I interrupt. "I tend to just tune him out. Well, try to at least." I mutter the last part, but Genevieve still heard me.
"(Y/N/N)!" She scolds.
"What? Don't act like you're not annoyed. I can see through to your true emotions."
Genevieve sighs.
"I think we all just need a good nights rest." she turns to me. "Get some sleep (Y/N), I'm pretty sure you're gonna need it." With that, she left to her room.
"She's probably right." I sigh. "Like always. Good night Ratchet. Good night Clank." I say, nodding in their direction.
"Good night Miss (Y/N)" Clank says.
"Good night (Y/N)" Ratchet says, a little bit softer than Clank. There was something in his eyes, I don't know what it was, but he gave me a small smile that made my chest feel warm. I smile back and head into my room.
Such a long day, but definatly event full. I head to my shower and clean all of the dirt and grime that came from repairing the ship.
After I was clean and dry, I put on my pj's and lay down on my comfortable bed, hoping, praying for good night's rest.

A/N: Good? Not good? I don't know! I'm sorry for the wait. My computer will not let me go on wattpad so I have to write this in google docs and then use my iPod to paste it on wattpad, SUCH A PAIN!! (And yes i type it on the computer because I find it to be easier.) I hope you liked it, hopefully I can get the next part up soon!!
See you in the next read!!

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