Ship Down (Part 5)

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I woke abruptly, a cold sweat running through my fur. I could hear the pounding rain hit the windows, every so often lightning would brighten up the sky followed by its accompanying brother of thunder. This happens almost every time I sleep. I wake up without a moment's notice, no reason as to why, my heart pounding like I had a nightmare, but I can't remember it.

I get out of bed, no way I can fall asleep now with so much energy running through me. I head to the tropical room, hoping it will at least calm my nerves. There is a seating area right in front of one of the large windows, I walk over to it and get myself comfortable. I watch the rain as it streams down the window, I was starting to relax, till I heard a door opened.It startled me, I didn't think there would be anyone else awake at a time like this. Which if I can remember correctly from the quick glance I took at my alarm clock when I got up, it's a little after 2 in the morning.

I didn't look back to see who it was. Who ever it was would probably just get something to drink (or eat if it's Io) and head back to bed. I focused back on the rain. Why is water so calm and relaxing?

"Mind if I sit here?"

I jumped from the sudden voice at my side, evidently falling off the couch.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" It was Ratchet. He kneeled down at my side seeing if I was ok. All I could do was like at his beautiful green eyes, seriously how does this dude have such amazing eyes? "Are you ok?" he asked looking back at my (E/C) orbs. I knocked myself out of my trance.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I just-.... Wasn't expecting anyone to come in here." I say, as he helps me back up. Wow, his fur is pretty soft.

"Sorry,.. Again." He said with an embarrassed smile.

"No, its ok. I'm fine." I reassure him.

We both sit back down on the couch in silence. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it was gonna be. I look at him out the corner of my eye and see he is looking out the window. I take in his attire, he is wearing a tank top and shorts, revealing more of his striped fur. His tail catches my eye.

"H-Hey. Can I.. ask you a question?" I say with all nervousness.

"Uhm, sure, go ahead." Ratchet says, his attention now on me.

"What's it like,.. To have a tail? The people I know with tails say it usually has a mind of its own." I ask. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" I add in quickly. Ratchet gives a chuckle that sends shivers down my spine.

"No no, it's fine. I guess it sort of does have a mind of it's own when I'm not paying attention, Grim says that it'll show my emotion sometimes. But I can have control over it, see?" he says as he uses his tail to tickle my nose. I let out a laugh. "Alright, its my turn to ask a question."

    "Ok, ask away."

    "Well, um. Do you know anything about us? Like as a species?"

    "Well yes, I suppose I know a little bit."

    "Like what?"

    "Isn't that another question?" I ask with a teasing smile.

    "Alright well do you have another question?" Ratchet asks smiling back.

    "What's it like protecting the galaxy and being apart of the Galactic Rangers?"

    "Well it can get pretty crazy an- wait. Did you just make two questions sound like one?"

    "Sometimes you gotta know how to play the game." I say.

    Ratchet lets out a laugh and tells me about all his adventures across the galaxy.

    "Alright little miss smarty pants," Ratchet said as he booped my nose with his tail. "Are you gonna answer my question?"

    I give a small smile and tell him what I know about our species. About Tachyons attack, and about my mother's book.

    "Genevieve says that all the Lombaxes fled to another dimension, but, my parents didn't make it. She found me before Tachyon did and raised me." I finish. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, I always got emotional when I talked about it.

    I could feel Ratchet looking at me, making me slightly uncomfortable. I didn't like it when people saw me cry. He wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in a warm hug.

    "I'm glad I found you (Y/N)" Ratchet whispers in my ear. "And, I know it sounds weird when I say 'found', but that's what it feels like. Like I've been searching for you my whole life. You're like a piece of me that went missing, sorry if that's cheesy. I didn't believe in love at first sight until I saw you." He pulls back from the hug, but he hasn't let go of me. One of his hands moves to caress my cheek, while the other wrapped around my waist. He is staring directly into my eyes now. "I want to be your other half (Y/N)"

871 Words
A/N: If I continue this 'oneshot'(if you can call it that anymore) I kinda want the next part to have sexual content, or be a 'lemon', as some of you say. Yay or nay? Hoped you liked it!!!
Requests are welcome!

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