Shut Up !!!!

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As the sky grew dark, Leon and Lok were watching the Organization members outside the window, both of them keeping to one side to avoid being seen. "Great, we're surrounded by suits!" Leon glared down at them as she was glad to be inside and not out there.

"That's something I said." Lok said as Leon smirked. Dante seemed unbothered by the massive attack force outside his door.

"What are we gonna do?" Sophie asked as Dante pushed a sequence on his old-fashioned phone and it opened, revealing a grey shield-shaped amulet.

"My friends in the Huntik Foundation made sure this house was well protected. Our enemies won't find it easy getting inside." Dante said while taking the amulet.

"Why are you taking Freelancer?" Lok whispers as Dabte smirked as Lok and Sophie realise what he is trying to say and smile. Then Leon shook her head when all of sudden her head started hurting.

'They can help you so truth them.' It said as Leon looked around.

"But why?" She whispered as Sophie looked at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked as Leona shook her head.

"Nothing." Leon looked uneasy.

Cherit was flying in mid-air and gave her the thumbs up. "That's right, Leon. We're safe in these walls." She wasn't satisfied then all of a sudden she heard the voice again.

'Leon...' Leon turned Sophie again then shook it again.

"So you mean, we're just going to hide till they get bored and take off?" Dante looked over his shoulder to see Leon start panicking but all three of them still remain calm.

"No, Leon. Remember this?" He held up her father's books. Leon's eyes suddenly turn gold and Cherit is the only one notices it.

"We've got a mystery to solve." Leon blink a couple of times before snapping back to reality.


Samuel and Zander were making their way up the steps to Dante's front door. "You'll take half the men." Zander commanded.

"Seize the girl and the book. Dante Vale and Lok Lambert are mine." Samuel frowned as his orders were conflicting with those of the higher authorities in his mind.

"But our orders are only to get the book and the kid, sir." Zander whirled around to face his subordinate, his face twisted in an angry snarl.

"Forget about that! The only orders that need to concern you are mine!" He growled and glare ferociously at Samuel.

As Samuel smiled as evil lighting up his face. "Yes sir."

Inside The Surrounded House

Dante was leading the group into a beautifully decorated room, he wore his trench coat again. Cherit flew through the door and understood what was going on, same with Lok and Sophie. "Oh aye, Dante are we using the roof exit?" Leon looked around in wonder at the painted walls, depicting an Ancient Grecian town before running to catch up.

"Wait on the roof?" She asked with concern etched on her face.

"What if they see us?" She asked.

"Oh good lord I'm behaving like Namjoon hyung." She muttered.

As Dante looked at her coolly. "We'll be careful but-"He reached into his coat.

"In case things get complicated." He pulled out the amulet he had taken from his 'phone'.

"Here, take this." He placed it in Leon's outstretched hand and as she did so, it glowed a blinding white. The glow engulfed her hand and her eyes swam with images. Dante's eyes widened the same with Lok and Sophie as the glow around Leon's hand grew impossibly bright.

Huntik Secret and Seeker: Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now