Mission : Discovery Of Legendary Titan Part 1

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The team finally reached Prague and soon checked into a Huntik Foundation run hotel. Lok, Sophie, Zhalia, Dante, Den and Cherit collaborate at a long table in the main room but not Leon. "Hey where's Leon?" Den questioned as Zhalia looked at him.

"She might be in her room." She replied as Den walked towards her room but Lok stopped him.

"Maybe I should. I know how it feels like to be you know new." He said as Den nodded.

"Well if you say so." He said while walking back to the team.

Leon gazed out the window of her hotel room and thought about how the boys were doing when she was away these days. Then there was a knock on the door, she looked up. "Who is it?" She asked.

"It's me, Lok. May I come in?" He asked as Leon just looked at the door before letting him in.

"Yeah sure." She grumbles then Lok enters her room.

"Hey!" Lok greeted with a warm smile, Leon cracked up a fake smile.

"Yo!" Leon replied as Lok walked over to her and sat beside her.

"Is everything alright?" He questioned Leon, looked at Huntress's book and touched it.

"Lok what do you feel when you become a seeker?" She suddenly asked him which shocked him but later he chucked.

"Well at first, I was scared, confused and angry but soon it all worked out." He smiles then Leon sighed.

"I may not be able to have a normal life like you, I never met my parents. I was raised by my Aunt in China before I went to Korea to become a trainee and become a BTS member then Venice. Sure, Venice was a beautiful city, full of ancient places and old buildings, but.......now I am in Prague, The City of Mysteries. I'm so used to traveling around the world with my band mates Which I'm not really getting used to." She laughed softly to herself then looked at Lok.

"I felt that I'm not really useful..." She was cut off by Lok hugging her.

"Don't say that! You're a part of the team now so in the end I will support what you do and we will keep an eye out for each other." Lok said as Leon smiled and nodded while wiping away her tears.

"Come on everyone's worried about you." He said while helping her up on her feet. As both Lok and Leon walk out of her room just in time for the meeting.

"Seekers, we have a mission. Show me Prague Central Cemetery." The symbols glowed green and the lid of the rectangular device opened, revealing it to be the strange object as the green hologram of the cemetery materialized and began to rotate. It was reminiscent of the way Egyptologists showed tombs with the lower levels shown with the top.

Leon's eyes widened with excitement. "Is that.... a hologram or something?" She asked looking at Dante, Lok and Sophie then back to the image before her.

"Not quite. It's a holotome, Leon. Seeker groups like the Foundation use them to plan missions, gather information and analyse titans." Sophie replied as she tapped the floating image, causing a card to appear out of the depths of the holotome's light.

Dante took up where he'd left off. "Based on the information you and Sophie gathered, our goal is the tomb of the Wise Man of Prague, Jodis Lore." A card with the words Golem of Prague appeared and Dante picked it up and put it in his pocket.

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