You Two Having a Cute Moment 「Sakamaki」

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It was another quiet day in the Sakamaki Household, you however had come up with a plan to annoy your lazy vampire lover. You went through the hallways and ended up at the music room. Quietly going inside, you saw him sleeping once again on the couch and thought that this was your chance. "What are you trying to do, y/n?" Shuu asked amused. "Oh! Umm... Nothing at all!" You replied trying to laugh it off, but it came out as a nervous one. Once you walked to Shuu in arms reached, he took his chance and pulled you to him, causing you to topple on top of him and landing on his chest. "Oi, just stay quiet, after all, I need my body pillow. *smirks*" You ended up cuddling with him for the rest of the day.


You were bored out of your mind completely while Reiji was working on one of his experiments again. "Y/n, may you please try to do something for once and be useful?" The tableware otaku asked. So with that, you stood up and walked over to the bookshelves and scanned through them. Reiji on the other hand was interested knowing what you were doing, so him being him, he walked up to you and hugged you behind causing you to get all flustered. "Eh?! Reiji! What are you doing?!" You whisper-yelled at him. Reiji just kept quiet and continued to hug you and placed his head in the crook of your neck. "You smell lovely, y/n." After that statement, all you could do was stand and wait for him to finish while you stood their blushing.


Being the perverted guy he is, he was following you around the mansion trying to get your attention. "Bitch-chan, why won't you talk to me?!" At this point, he was about to strike a nerve and when you turned around to give him a taste of your fury, he wasn't there. "Weird, I thought he was here a moment ago..." Just as you were dozing off, you jumped when you felt arms wrapping your body. "Fu fu~ Bitch-chan, were you just thinking about me?~" He asked while teasing you. "Laito! Let go!" You yelled at him while giving him a death glare. "Aww, Bitch-chan isn't fun at all! So I'll make you have fun." And with that, Laito picks you up and carried you on his shoulder and the both of you went somewhere.


This Teddy loving boy was now baking sweets with you in the kitchen, well, more like you baking, he was only there to taste them. "Kanato, I think we baked enough treats for today." You growing tired by seconds. "But y/n-chan! I want to eat more sweet!" Kanato yelled, getting sad and angry and him crying at any moment now. "Alright, alright. How about we cuddle instead? Wouldn't that be better?" You asked the bipolar boy who was now calming down and replied "Okay! As long as y/n-chan is with me, I'll be fine!" With a smile that was never leaving his face, he dragged you away into his room and where the both of you feel asleep.


"Hey! Pancake! Are you ignoring Yours Truly?!" Ayato was with you in the living room right now, talking your ears off and trying to force you to make his favorite food, takoyaki. "Listen, Ayato, I am not in the mood right now to make you takoyaki and if you want it, make them yourself." You retorted back to him. "Alright, have it your way." He replied with a sly grin and just as you were about to ask him what he meant, he suddenly started to tickle you. "Ayato! Stop that!" You yelled back at him while you were laughing like a maniac. "Then say 'Ore-sama is the best and I'll make him takoyaki!' And I'll stop tickling you!" He said with a toothy grin. "Ok! Ok! Just s-stop tickling me and I'll say it!" And once he stopped, you took this chance to peck him on the cheek and start running for your life.


"Subaru! Where are you?!" Right now, you were wandering around the mansion looking for a certain albino vampire because you were extremely bored and wanted to tease him. "Maybe I'll check the garden." You went outside and saw him out there, staring at the moon. You noticed how sad he slightly is so you decided to go behind him and give him your signature hug with made Subaru surprised. "O-i! What a-are you doing y-y/n?!" He asked/yelled with him being completely blushing a dark red on his face. "Giving you a nice, warm hug, Subaru." You replied cheekily. Subaru knew he couldn't get out of this problem, so he turned around and hugged you back tightly and not letting you go, however, you didn't mind.

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