You Tell Them "I Hate You" 「Sakamaki」

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You were thinking of pranking your lazy boyfriend since he doesn't do much, so you wanted to try to get a reaction out of him. You finally settled down with a plan to get him to worry about something for once. Looking for his room, you saw the door open and casually walked in there as if you owned the place and snuck up behind him, seeing him awake since he smelled you and asked quietly, "(Y/n), what are you doing here?" You tried to come up with your most serious face and bluntly said, "I hate you." You were quite surprised to see him actually react to these words, with his eyes widening a bit with some unknown emotions wavering in them. "D-did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I don't do much, but don't leave me please." This was honestly your first time hearing him stutter, so you decided to hug Shu in a comforting manner, "Sorry Shu, that was just a prank." Shu quietly sigh and wrapped his arms around your waist, making you cuddle with him as 'punishment'.


You knew Reiji barely expressed his emotions and how he doesn't like to show any side of himself besides his gentleman like side unless he's with you. For quite a while now, you thought about saying these words to try and make him express some sort of new emotion to you. So after deciding wether to do it or not, you decided to try it out, so you went over to Reiji's room and politely knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. He gave a quick 'come in' and you walked inside to see him reading a book. You asked him if you could tell him something and he looked up from his book to give you his full attention, "I'm sorry, but I don't love you anymore." Reiji was shocked to hear those words come out of your mouth and he even showed it through his face. "You're joking, right?" He gave you a stern glare and soon you gave in, knowing he would figure it out even if you didn't tell him. "Come here please." He asked and you quietly walked over to him only to get pulled into a hug and he whispered saying,"If you do this again, I'll have to punish you." And you nodded.


"Bitch-chan~! Where are you?" Laito was looking around for you right now, just to do perverted things to you. You however, was planning something to try and upset the fedora-wearing vampire. You came out of your room and spotted Laito down the hallway. You quietly went up to him and he looked behind him since he was able to smell you. "Laito, I need to tell you something." You kept a straight face and looked him directly in the eye. He nodded waiting for you to continue. "I don't want to be with you anymore, I hate you." You saw a bit of sadness in his eyes. "W-what? Did I do something wrong? Was it because I was flirting around? I p-promise I won't do it again!" You were a bit shocked to hear him say that since he was usually cool with things. You couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Sorry Laito, I was just kidding, I still love you." Laito just looked at you with a pout, "Wah~ You shouldn't joke around you know, I thought you were serious for a moment." He smiled and hugged you very tightly, giving you a peck on the cheek.


You were honestly afraid of how Kanato would react if you said it to him, but tried it anyways. You knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt you on purpose, but you were still scared of what he could do to you. Pushing aside those thoughts, you spotted the purple hair boy having one of his tea party with Teddy sitting beside him. You walked over to him and stopped once you were in front of him. Kanato looked at you in a questioning matter and asked what you wanted. "I hate you and Teddy." Kanato thought you were serious so it astounded you to see him start crying and you could hear him chocking out words like "No! Please don't leave me!" Or "What did I do wrong?! I'm sorry if I did something!" It made your heart ache to see him like this and he was clinging on to you a bit too hard. "Im sorry Kanato! It was a prank." You pecked his lips to show your sorry and Kanato stayed with you too make sure you weren't actually leaving him for the rest of the day.


"Ayato! Where are you?!" You were searching the mansion for your boyfriend right now and you wanted to try something out with him. You saw him go into his room, but left the door open a bit. You proceeded to go there and walked in quietly while seeing him lay down on his bed. As soon as you said his name, he sprung up and asked you what you were doing here. With your best acting skill, you then spoke out the words that made him surprised, "I hate you." You knowing how possessive Ayato was, you waited to see his initial reaction, which you were correct about. "Tch, you think you can just leave Yours Truly that easily?" He stood up and grabbed a hold of your wrist, "I'm not letting you go." You couldn't hold in your laughter anymore and he just stood there confused. "What!?" You laughed for a few more seconds before you answered the hot head, "I was just kidding, I don't hate you, alright?" He was embarrassed by what you said and letted go of your wrist, with a noticeable blush on his face.


You were taking a walk outside of the mansion and you happened to reach the garden. You spotted Subaru inside tending to the roses. You were curious to see if he actually cares about you, since you two were dating each other. You thought about telling him something that may actually get him worked up about, so you went to try it out. You walked up to Subaru to have him look at you. "Hi (Y/n), did you need anything?" You took a deep breath and came up with the most serious face that you could muster and said, "Subaru, I hate you. We should just break up." Subaru felt like his heart would break. He couldn't believe it and him being a tsundere, he replied, "Whatever! I d-don't love you too, so don't come back!" You saw him tearing up a bit and you felt guilty, so you hugged him, "Sorry, that was just a joke, I still love you!" Subaru pulled away and looked at you, "Really?! Fucking- you scared me for a second there, (Y/n)!" You just giggled at his reaction and pulled him into another hug and this time, he hugged you back.

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