He Gets Jealous 「Sakamaki」

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Shuu couldn't help but grit his teeth as he watched another guy flirting with you and you not doing anything about it since that guy was a friend of yours that would always jokingly flirt with you. Shuu didn't see it that way and was restraining himself from killing the poor guy then and there. At some point, he was tired of it and walked straight towards you guys and picking you up without any problems. "Oi! Shuu, put me down! What are you doing?!" You squealed out, surprise by his actions. He just walked away with you on his shoulders and you could hear him whispering a few things like, "I should kill him one day." And, "Y/n should only talk with me." You found it cute how jealous he was.


He knew how to not show his emotions outside of his figure and knowing how to stay calm, but at this moment, he was about to lose it all when he saw you with a male outside of the mansion who appears to have dropped you off. You just came back from something you had to do and he offered to walk you home safely in a friendly way of course, but Reiji saw it in a different way. Once you were inside, Reiji came down to greet you like the gentlemen he is and asked, "Excuse me Y/n, but who was that boy a moment ago?" You curiously looked up at Reiji and answered, "He was just a friend Reiji and if you were jealous, just know I only love you." You smiled cheekily, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw him sighing in relief and muttering to himself, "Good, I thought I would've had to poison him someway."


You were at school and talking to a classmate of yours, but he wasn't the type to just straight up go for you, but you get the point. Laito was looking around for you when he saw you talking to him and for a moment, he thought it was ok, until he saw you laughing at a comment he said. Laito went up to the both of you and glared at the soon-to-be dead classmate. "I have some advice for you~! Run." And with that, he ran away as you watched the scene unfold before you. "Laito, he was only a classmate, you know? You didn't have to give him your death stare." Laito just pouts at you and gives you a hug telling how you belong only to him.


"Y/n doesn't love us anymore Teddy!" Kanato was currently throwing a tantrum and crying, screaming out that you hated him and how you don't love him anymore. Why? Because earlier, Kanato saw you hugging a boy who was your little brother. When you got back to the mansion, Kanato was yelling at you for how you were going behind his back, but he was nice to not hit you at least. And here you are now. "Kanato, I wasn't cheating on you, ok? That was my little brother so please calm down, I promise to make some sweets for you~!" And soon after, he stopped his fit and was excited to eat your sweets, but also the fact that you were paying attention to him.


"Thanks for the bracelet, Onii-chan!" Your older brother had recently came to visit you in Japan and gave you a gift when he came to see you at the airport. Earlier in the day, you told Ayato that you were going to the airport to visit someone. He was suspicious of who you were visiting, so he quietly followed you, only to find you hugging a guy while holding the box he had given to you which had the bracelet in it. You can guess what Ayato could've thought at the moment and him being the possessive guy he is, furiously went up to you and pulled you against him tightly. "Oi! What are you doing with MY woman?" You couldn't but sigh at his behavior. "Ayato, he's my god damn brother, didn't I tell you that?" Ayato just scoffed it off and says sorry to your brother quietly before taking you back to his house to make out. Heh.


Subaru was walking through the school hallway trying to find you since he was bored and lonely without you. As he was wandering around, he saw some guy playing around with you and saying very perverted things to you, but you weren't that disturbed since it was just a childhood friend that would joke around you once in a while. However, your friend would've ended up in his death bed if it weren't for you trying to calm down the somewhat enraged Subaru and trying to drag him out of the scene that played out. "Subaru! Calm down! He's only joking alright? You know that your the only one I love, Tsunbaru." The only thing he did was click his tongue while blushing and denying the fact that he was jealous until he finally gave up and admitted it.

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