He Gets Jealous 「Mukami & Tsukinami」

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It seems like where ever Ruki goes with you, there was always a disturbance there, but it never went to you guys, until today. While you two spent your time together in a cafe, the waiter went over to your table to ask what you guys would like to drink. The problem wasn't exactly the waiter, but another guy that had given you the 'look' and Ruki had clearly seen it, but chose to ignore it since you didn't pay any attention to the guy. After a couple of minutes, the same guy went over to you and gave you a napkin and when you looked at it, there was a phone number placed on it. You started to giggle about the whole entire thing, but Ruki was past his limit, so when the both of you left the cafe and you still holding the napkin, he took it out of your hands and ripped it in shreds. You didn't say anything though, since you were going to do the same thing anyways. You looked up and smiled at Ruki and he slightly smiled back while hugging you.


He knew that having a moment with you was very difficult because of his fans that would always come at a bad time. Today wasn't going great either, since you were nowhere to be seen. He was growing a bit worry until he saw you talking to some guy and joking around with each other. You always respected Kou and his fans, but sometimes, when your alone, you would go talk to your best friend instead and he would always try to cheer you up. But Kou thought that you were flirting with him and made Kou's jealousy show off. "M~Neko~chan! Who is this guy?" Kou asked once he got close to the both of you. You could see the dark aura and was pretty sure your friend could see it too, so he apologized to Kou and walked away. You looked over to Kou and gave him a pout face and Kou didn't do anything but held you tightly against him whispering, "Remember that you're mine, M~Neko~chan~."


"If I see you anywhere near MY girlfriend again, you're dead, got it?!" Right now, Yuma was yelling at a guy that tried to talk to you, in an attempt to make you interested in him, but Yuma got in the way of you two and punched him in the face. It was so bad, that you had to drag Yuma out of the place and scold him for not hurting people around them, even if it was someone just as annoying as that guy. "Tch. Yeah, whatever. But remember, you belong to me, alright?" Yuma asked in a scary but sweet (in his own) way. You just nodded at his question and pecked his cheek, making him slightly blush at your action.


It was always a rare sight to see Azusa to get jealous of anything since he's quiet most of the time, except when he's around you. However, you could remember the day when you were relaxing outside under a tree at school, while you were hanging out with a friend of yours. As you guys were chatting away, a certain masochist was looking at you two and made him slightly sad, but angry that you were talking to someone else besides him. Thinking of an excuse to get your attention, he walks up to the both of you and starts pretending to sneeze. "(Y/n).... Can we.... Go back home.... I feel.... Really sick...." Feeling bad for him you stood up and waved goodbye to your friend and walked home with Azusa, while he slightly smiles at the fact that you gave all your attention to him.


Carla would mostly keep his emotions hidden away from most people except for you since he does love you, but he would sometimes have to work on some things, leaving you alone by yourself. Whenever this happens, you would usually call your childhood friend and joke around with him for almost an hour without Carla noticing. But today, Carla finished his work early and went over to your room so he could be with you, until he heard a male voice. Furious, he opened your door forcefully and walked over to you immediately, grabbing your phone and crushing it. "Hey! What was that for! That was my phone you know?" You said with a sad but irritated look on your face. "Next time, don't call anyone while I'm working, you should only talk to me and no one else, ok?" Looking at how Carla was jealous made you think how funny it was that he would even have a possessive side at all.


As of this moment, your day couldn't get any worse. You were invited to go shopping with your childhood friend who happens to be a guy. Knowing that Shin probably wouldn't let you go to see him, you decided to tell him that you were hanging out with your female friends, but Shin wasn't thoroughly convinced, so he stalked you. When he saw you running up to a guy who was your friend, he came out of his hiding spot, kicked the guy, and dragged you back to the mansion. Once the both of you stepped inside, he immediately pinned you against the door and kissing you roughly. "If I see you talk to another guy that isn't me, I will not hesitate to kill them, got it?" He whispered in a threatening voice. "Ok! Ok! Geez, don't need to be that possessive." You kissed him on the lips and went back to your room, leaving Shin behind with a tint of red on his face.

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