You Tell Them "I Hate You" 「Mukami & Tsukinami」

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You and Ruki were hanging out in his room and talking about how school was for the both of you. You suddenly came up with an idea to see if you can actually trick Ruki with a little prank of yours. When Ruki finished talking, you asked, "Ruki? What would you do if I said 'I Hate You'?" He looked at you with a shocked and slightly annoyed face. "And if you did?" You took it as a challenge and directly spoke, "I hate you." Ruki looked at you with a glare that would probably speak out 'you want to be punished?' You understanding what that specific glare means, you quietly sighed and responded, "It was only a joke, master." Ruki wasn't satisfied by that apology though, but he stoop up from his seat and walked over to you, giving you a quick kiss on the lips and hugged you whispering, "If you ever leave me, expect something to happen when I get you back." You giggled and relaxed in his arms.


You knew how energetic he could be, considering the fact he was an idol as well. You also wondered if he ever felt upset about anything at all, maybe another side of him you haven't seen. Today, you wanted to try out one of your plans on him, which is to say something he wouldn't expect. You saw him relaxing on the couch after his performance and you walked over and sat on the couch with him. "Ah~ M-Neko-chan~! What brings you here?" You mentally prepared yourself for what you were about to say to him and once you were, you bluntly spoke out, "Kou Mukami, I hate you." You then yelped when you didn't expect him to hold on to your shoulders and shouting at your face, "What! Are you going to leave me?! Was it my fans?! Please don't hate me!" You couldn't take it anymore so you just kissed him on the lips and said, "Calm down! I was just joking around!" He let out a long sigh. "Jeez, you didn't have to give me a heart attack!" And showered your face with light kisses while hugging you.


Right now, you were with Yuma, helping him with his tomatoes and picking the ripe ones. While you were there with him, you couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you said you hated him and how he would react to it. Wanting to give it a try, you went over to Yuma, "Hey, Yuma, mind if I tell you something?" He quickly nodded while he was still looking at the tomatoes, "I think we should brea-" You couldn't even finish your sentence because of Yuma sealing your lips with his, in an almost desperate way. Once he pulled away, he looked at you with a serious face, "You will never say that to me ever again, got it? And even if it is a joke, don't even try to say it." You were surprised to hear that kind of response from him, so you gave him an assuring smile and kissed him on the lips, "Ok, sorry. I didn't expect you to say that kind of stuff though." You giggled. Yuma just blushed and look away, "W-well don't expect this happening in the future, it was just the right thing to say."


You knew how Azusa would react if you ever said anything to related to you guys and/or relationship, but you were quite curious to see what he would do if you were to say it to him. Knowing where he was, you went to the living room to see him stare at the ground as if he was in a deep thought. "Azusa, may I speak to you?" He looked up to see you in front of him, eye to eye. "Sure." You took in a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry Azusa, but I don't love you anymore." After you said that, you immediately regretted it seeing Azusa tear up from the words that you had spoken. "O-oh.... I understand.... I'm sorry I wasn't.... A good boyfriend in the end...." He sniffled. You couldn't hold it anymore and you suddenly hugged Azusa, "I'm so sorry Azusa! That was just a little joke! Of course I still love you my cinnamon bun!" His cheeks turned slightly pink from his nickname, but had a small smile on his face, "I forgive you.... But please don't say that again.... You made me sad...." You kissed his cheeks and cuddled with him while he returned the favor.


You could never shake off the fact that Carla was never genuinely upset about anything. Well, most of the time. You honestly want to see if you actually affect Carla in any way that would make him sad. You didn't know where he was until you spotted his brother, Shin. You ask him where Carla was and he answered that he was in his room right now. Thanking him, you arrived at his room and cautiously walked in. You saw him working on a few papers, but decided you would say it to him anyway. "Excuse me, Carla?" He looked up from his papers and glared at you, wanting you to hurry up since he was working. "I'm sorry but, I don't love you anymore." Carla stood up and glared at you in an angry way. "You may hate me, but I will not let you date another man and if you ever do, I'll chain you up for myself." You laughed for about 10 seconds until you calmed down, "Chill, I was just kidding." Carla was extremely embarrassed but he would never admit that, so he just hmph and looked away from you.


"I swear (Y/n)! Give me back my nuts!" You continued to run around the place, away from Shin while you were carrying a jar that had a variety of nuts in it. You thought of a way to try and distract Shin, so you stopped midway and looked behind yourself to see Shin just close behind you. "Oi, why did you stop? Wait, never mind that, give me the jar!" You then put your hand in front of his face and said, "I took it because I hate you." Shin was frozen for a second, but then glared at you with a cold look in his eyes, "You hate me? Tch, I know you're lying. If you were serious, you probably would've left me a long time ago." You quietly let out a sigh and gave Shin the jar, "Awww, I thought I got you..." Scoffing, he took a hold of your chin to face him and whispered, "But even if you try to leave me, you wouldn't be able too." You smiled at him and pecked his lips while nodding. He faintly smiled back and kissed you.

Sorry if all the characters so far are OOC.
Thinking of anything dirty?】 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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