You Sit on Their Lap 「Sakamaki」

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As always, he was sleeping on his favorite couch with you sitting on the floor beside the couch. You couldn't help but feel a bit lonely and bored, so you stood up and hover above Shuu, trying to get his attention, "Shuu! Hello? I know your awake! Come on!" You were starting to get a bit frustrated with him, so you gave up and decided to sit down on his lap, making Shuu open his eyes and staring at you. "Noisy..." He sat up, but he kept you on his lap and proceeded to sleep in that position and you slowly closing your eyes, both falling into a deep sleep.


He hates how lazy you are sometimes, but that's what made him think you were adorable and would even smile a bit at it. He might not show affection to you a lot, but that's only when his brothers are around. You saw Reiji sitting in his signature chair and you thought of surprising him with something. You walked over to Reiji and sat on his lap and tried to make yourself feel comfortable. "E-Excuse me y/n, but what do you think you are doing?" Reiji asked with a small blush on his face, "What do you think? I'm spending time with you~!" You answered with a smile. Sighing, he reluctantly letted you sit on his lap and to him, you were acting cute again like always.


Today was like any other day, his routine of being a complete pervert to you and being a huge flirt. "Bitch-chan~ let's do something together for once! I miss it when your not in my arms~!" At this point, you knew you couldn't avoid him, but you kept trying to, but would fail every time since he was a vampire and could teleport anywhere basically. Just as you were zoning out, Laito secretly took you by the waist and pulled you down on his lap and began to kiss your cheeks, "Bitch-chan~, why must you be cute in every way? It's not fair at all~." He cooed in your ears, making you turn a bit pink. And for a few more hours, he continued to treasure you while you sat on his lap for the whole time.


"Kanato?" You ask the boy who was eating a piece of cake you baked together, "Yes y/n-chan?" He said curiously wondering what you wanted, "Would you mind if I can hold Teddy for a bit?" Kanato didn't like it when other people held, even touched Teddy, but considering your his girlfriend, he wouldn't mind at all. "Of course! Here's Teddy!" Once you got ahold of Teddy you began to realize how soft it actually was and continued to play around with it, but after a while, Kanato started to become jealous of Teddy and once he was fed up, he stood up and ripped Teddy out of your grasp and dragged you over to his bed where he pulled you down and you began to sit on his lap. "Don't give all your attention to Teddy, it should only be on me!" He shouted and continued to hold you tightly.


"Yours Truly commands you to come over here now!" At this moment, Ayato wouldn't stop bickering how you should spend all your time with him instead of going outside and talking to his brothers. "And what will you do if I don't come over there, Yours Truly?" With an irritated expression present in your features. "I think you can guess what will happen~" And with a smirk plastered onto his face, he grabbed your upper arm and made you fall on top of his lap. You trying to escape but failing miserably since he is more stronger than you. "Come on! I need to go hangout with some of my friends!" You complained, "Well, looks like it will have to be tomorrow since you will be hanging out with me instead."


He never likes to admit it, but he would always feel the need to be around you, but him being a ~you know what~, he can't obviously, so he tries different ways to try and express his emotions, but would end up being a complete failure or a crumbled up paper. He was in his bedroom and was sitting by the window, unaware of you hiding behind him. Once he turns around, he's surprised, only to find you sitting on his lap and trying to get comfy. "W-Wait! Who says you can do that?!" You turned around to find him looking in a different direction with a noticeable blush across his face. "Because I wanted to spend some time with my tsundere!" "God damnit! I'm not a tsundere!" He yelled getting even redder, but he is secretly enjoying your company.

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