The First Practice

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"New coach? What happened to Steve?" I asked curiously.
"I don't know. He just...left." Ciara said glaring at us.

"Anyways, up on your feet." She stated gesturing us to get up.  All of us got up but Stephen.
"Nah..  I don't believe Steve is gone.  We are shy a few days from the first game of the new season."  Steph shrugged smiling awkwardly and nervously.

The woman bended over to talk to Stephen.
"Mr. Curry, you better get up before I lay the consequences."  She stated making the rest of team holler ''ooo's''.

"Lay them."  Steph smirked and we all laughed.
"You are automatically benched for the first three games."  The woman said and our smiles went to frown's real quick.

"You can't do that!"  Steph yelled.
"Yes, I can.  Now all of you give me 50 laps around this gym.  Including you Mr. Curry...  Unless you want to double your punishment."  She glared.
"The whole team needs me!" Steph cried.
"Then I'll make the whole team invincible without you." She stated.

Steph got up and the whole team started to jog our laps.

"She said to do 50 damn laps!  Steve would never tell us that!"  Stephen whisper yelled beside me.
"Steve's not here anymore."  I said and continued to jog.  Stephen huffed in anger but I ignored it.  We just need to get use to this.



Once the laps were done, everyone was sprawled over the ground trying to catch their breath.

"You are all out of shape.  Looks like we need to practice on endurance, and making your bodies fit."  I wrote it down.

"This is out of shape?"  Shaun raised his shirt revealing his abs.
I smirked.  "I'm not a fan of ribs."

"Ooh Shit.."  Draymond said and everyone laughed at Shaun.

"I don't have ribs!  I swear!  Look!"  Shaun complained exposing his abdomen to the whole team.

"Anyways... We have to review the new starting line up." I said and I could see Stephen glaring at me.
"Is there an issue, Mr. Curry?"  I asked.  I was surely going to have a real issue with him.
"Yes.  You took me off the starting line up!"
"It's a punishment.  If you don't like that, don't come to the games at all."  I smirked at him and he gave me an angry look but calmed down.

"Thompson, Green, Livingston-"
"Am I now Shaun's replacement?"  Stephen cut me off.
"Be patient.  You'll see."

"Like I was saying, Thompson, Green, Ezeli, Iguodala, and Livingston will be the starting line up." I said and looked at Steph who furrowed his eyebrows.

He looked like he'd make coaching hard.



Practice was hell. Wtf did we just do?

We all laid sprawled all over the floor.
"This is why you lost to the Cavs last season.  You can't work hard if your fitness isn't good.  The team's overall shooting percentage because sloppy towards the end, especially you Mr. Thompson and Mr. Curry."  She said and I crossed my arms looking down.  Klay smiled awkwardly.

"Green, you are amazing at defence and pretty good with offence.  You can't let your attitude get in the way."  Draymond snickered.

"Livingston, you seemed pretty fine but you need to take it to the next level.  I saw how you did more dunks towards the end of the year.  Push yourself past your limits."  Shaun smiled happily.

"What I'm trying to say for the whole team is, be the best in what you do and try new things.  I want to see that Curry can do what Green can do." She said and I looked at her strangely.
"What does that mean?" 
"You're the little man on the court.  Green's called the big man.  I saw back in the Allstar season you dunked Curry.  I wanted to see more of that because I didn't know you could.  If people see you dunking, shooting, defending, and see your amazing handles as well, people would be afraid to face you.  Afraid is good!"  The woman yelled and I couldn't help but smile.  This woman is complimenting me.

"Anyways, practice done.  On Monday-"
"Aren't we suppose to have practice tomorrow?"  Shaun asked and Draymond slapped him in the back of the head.
"Are you trying to kill us?!"  Draymond whisper yelled as Shaun showed a pained feeling rubbing the back of his head.

"Practices will be every other day." She said and our eyes widened. Practice was like everyday with Steve. We all cheered.

Maybe she isn't so bad.


I woke up the next morning and tried to get out of bed.
I looked at my legs strangely. They wouldn't move. My arms moved a bit.

My phone started to ring. I slowly grabbed it. It was Klay.

"Yo.. Can you get out of bed?! Because I can't. My legs are numb!"
"Same as me! What's going on?!"
"It was yesterday's practice!"

I should've known. We have practice every other day because she knew we wouldn't be able to move the next day.

Damn Ass Coach.

I should've seen this coming.

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