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Steph and I left the cafe.  I found it strange how that guy pulled Ciara out.

"Fucking idiot."  We turned to see Ciara. She was rubbing her arm and she was so angry. I've never seen anyone look that mad.
"Are you good Ms. Coleman?" I asked and she growled walking closer to Steph and I.

"Where did the bastard go?"
"Calm down Satan." Steph said placing his hands out in front of him. She looked like she wanted to punch something.

"What he's trying to say is that we don't know... What happened?" I asked.
"That's none of your business!" She was about to walk away then I grabbed the arm she was gripping earlier. She winced.

"Did he...did he hit you?" Steph asked making his voice quieter. Her eyes widened and she closed them.
"Leave me alone!" I wouldn't let go of her arm. That's truly just disgusting. How could he do such a thing?
"He didn't hit me..." She said quietly.
"Then why did you wince and why were you rubbing your arm? Huh?!" Steph asked. The way he was concerned was truly weird.

"I have my own stuff to deal with.  Just leave me be."  She yanked her arm from my grip and walked away. 



I entered my house and he was sitting on a chair directly facing the door.

"I was wondering how long it'd take you to stop talking to your mans."  He said in his deep voice.
"My mans?  Excuse me."
"I saw how he grabbed you...  How he got close to you.."
"You mean Klay?  He was just concerned because he saw how angry I was from the dumb shit you did."  I clenched my fist and he got up looking down at me.
"Excuse me?"
"I shun men away for you all the time.  But you always texting bitches!  You fuck them when I'm not around and act like you still love me!"  I yelled at him and I realized the words coming out of my mouth. 

"I...I can't do this anymore."  I said and started to walk towards the stairs and he followed me.
"Excuse me?"

He followed me as I walked up the stairs.

"I'm tired of your dumb shit John!"  I went into what was once our bedroom.

I grabbed his clothes and went out in my balcony and threw them off.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"  He yelled.
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"  I screamed as I threw the clothes off the balcony.  I was so tired of his dumb shit.  I gave him chance over chance but he always made it worse.

"WHO PAYS THE BILLS JOHN?!  WHO?!  WHO BOUGHT THE HOUSE?!  WHO HAS THE JOB?!"  I turned to him and screamed.  I walked back in the room.

He looked extremely mad.

"What are you gonna do?  Tell me, what the fuck are you-" I fell to the ground clutching my face.  It burned so much.  My eyes started to water.  He hit me.  I looked up at him.
"You just..  Hit me..." I stared at him in disbelief as tears streamed down my face.  He lifted me up and placed me on the bed.

"LET ME GO!  LET ME GO!  LEAVE ME ALONE!"  I screamed as he started to forcefully kissed me.

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