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The next day at practice, Ciara wasn't here. We've been waiting for half an hour. I got up and decided to start practice my way.

Klay came towards me and pulled me aside. He started to whisper in my ear, "Her man was aggressive yesterday. What if something happened-"

"It's none of our business, remember?" I stated and he sighed. Why be with a man like that anyways?

"You care for her?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "She's a part of the team. We should all care." He said and I looked at the ground. I never thought of it that way.

"Sorry I'm late." We turned to see Ms. Coleman. She was in sunglasses and a bandana. She looked like she was trying to hide something.

"Sunglasses indoors?" I questioned with a smirk. I was prepared for a rude remark.

"Yeah." She smiled. We all stared at her confused.

"You aren't so professional today, why?"  Klay asked.

"I can't wear something different?  I'm pretty chill.  Plus my professional outfits make you guys think I'm stuck up."  Ms. Coleman said shrugging.

"No...  Of course not!"  The whole team said in sync in the most unbelievable tone.

"Where's Ms. Coleman?" Draymond questioned with his eyebrow raised.  She didn't not seem like her usual, stuck-up, rude-ass, aggressive-ass self.

"Are you guys blind? I'm right here Jheez. I hope you warmed up. Line!"  She smiled.  SHE SMILED.

"Yo Steph, if I'm not dead by the end of this practice, we are calling the cops.  Ms. Coleman has been abducted."  Klay whispered to me.


"Get your damn unfit, idle, 3-pointing, lightskinned asses to the line!" Coach Coleman yelled at Klay and I. We immediately jogged to the line.


"Am I the only one who can still move?" Klay asked and everyone shook their heads. I feel nothing. Foreal Ms. Coleman where you at? Cause this woman ain't good at impersonating you.

"Before we call the cops lemme talk to her." Klay said.

"Okay. I'll give you 5 minutes. If you ain't back, you dead." I said raising my hands up and he rolled his eyes making his way towards her.


"Coach. Can I talk to you in private?" I asked her and she was gathering her things.

"I'm kinda in a-"

"Please." I pleaded and she sighed. "Let's go to my office. We'll be alone." She said and I trailed behind.

She was walking strangely...  Like the other day, she walked with confidence and strength.  Today I see pain, and weakness.

We entered her office and she sat on her desk.  I closed the door behind myself and stood there staring at her.

"What did he do to you?"  I immediately asked and her mouth opened, but quickly closed.

"Didn't I tell you to stay out of my business?" She said in an annoyed tone.

"You are a part of the team. Your mindset and well being affects all of us. We can see the change in you because everyone feels perfectly fine after the practice. Everyone knows something's up. Most of them think you've been abducted and replaced." I chuckled and she laughed a bit.

"This team is full of goofs." She smiled weakly. I could see it even if she was wearing sunglasses.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" I asked and she quickly frowned, but smiled softly.

"They're cute." She said.

"Then wear them outside."

"This is a part of my outfit. I can't take it off." She said as if I was the dumb one here.

"Why are you here Klay? What do you want to talk about that's so private?" She asked slowly getting frustrated.

"I want to ask, are you okay?" I asked and I could hear her breathing quicken. She covered her mouth and dropped to his knees.

"COACH!" I went on my knees beside her.

"Stupid shit!" She threw the glasses revealing a black eye. I immediately hugged her.

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