Red Hair, Red Eyes, Red Blood

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[Vampire!Sebastian x Grell]

Hey guys! I've never written a story that involved the supernatural so I'm super pumped to write this. I hope you enjoy!

Small plug, this story talks about Tumblr. My personal Tumblr is @flowersandmemes, so if you like flowers. And memes. You should follow me. And message me. I'll totally talk to you.

This story is from Grell's POV so whoever doesn't read this will be confused. HA.

This story is dedicated to loveydoveyknicole!


I waved goodbye to William as the little bell chimed, signalling the door was opening and I was leaving. Will's Wine was a lovely, small bar in the north part of town that I couldn't wait to leave every night. Don't get me wrong, I loved working there, and I loved my coworkers, but I enjoyed my small side business more.

No, I'm not a drug dealer. I write a small manga on Tumblr. I'm almost done with the first volume. It's going well, I must say. It's about Jack The Ripper falling in love with one of his victims, who, obviously, hates him, so he does dark things to prove his love. Like carve hearts into her thighs. My 4,523 followers like it.

Alas, I work from three to eleven each night, so I only get to draw at night or when I wake up.

Tonight, I think I'll plop in Spirited Away and doodle for a bit before crashing on the couch.

I walked down the sidewalk, aiming to catch the 11:30 subway. It's the last one of the night until 3, and I didn't feel like walking home.

I popped open the first two buttons of my shirt, letting the cool air hit my skin. It was a nice night. I trotted down the stairs, swiping my card and pushing my way through the turnstile.

A blonde man smoking a cigarette was playing guitar and singing a song underneath the graffiti on the wall. He looked up at me and smirked.

"Whatcha doing here at this time of night, missy?"

I stopped in my tracks. Missy? What made him think I was a girl? Is it my hips? Or my hair? I turned to look at him, lowering my glasses.

"Trying to get mistaken for a girl, actually, you?"

He blinked a few times as I walked away, laughing to myself. I made my way to the platform, checking my watch.


I leaned against a column, and pulled out my phone from my bag. I put on my headphones, and jammed out to some Twenty One Pilots.

I was kinda getting a bit too into the music, I think. Acting out every lyric in Kitchen Sink in public at 11:27 at night in dress slacks and a vest isn't a normal sight, I suppose. I glanced up for two seconds, just to see this man staring at me from across the way.

He looked young, my age perhaps. Black hair, pale skin. Attractive from what I could see. He had oddly long coat, reaching below his knees. I've never seen a coat like that before, except in a certain TV show.

Comic-Con was this weekend, maybe he was a Sherlock cosplayer.

Regardless, I was totally mortified from being caught lip-syncing intensely. I shifted my gaze and stood up straight, adjusting my red tie as the train arrived.

The doors opened, and I stepped on, avoiding looking at the man across the way. My face matched my hair, I was sure.

Focus on Spirited Away, hot chocolate, and sweatpants Grell. Forget that even happened. You'll never see him again, why does it matter?

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