Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

            A thin ribbon of sunlight slid in through coarse tartan curtains, painted a bright line along a pale blue carpet pile, highlighted a nearly faded coffee stain, and finally ascended the foot of a sofa to land on a solitary eyelid straining to remain closed.  Adam stirred to life, yawning and stretching his arms.  He abruptly fell off the edge of the sofa, having forgotten where he was, and landed on his shoulder with a thud.


            It all came back to him in a flash.

The Great Adventure of the River Slope Mine.

Adam rubbed his shoulder, and as he regained his bearings, his hands, back and legs painfully reminded him of other details of the previous day's escapade. Grumblings from his two roommates, both of which were snugly ensconced under the covers of a full sized bed, reached his ears through the stale motel room air.

            "What time is it?" rasped Hedda.

            "Time to get moving," replied Linda. She quickly sprung out of bed and in a blur of movement launched herself into the bathroom. 


            Within the hour the trio sat a discrete corner table of the Starlight Motel restaurant. One by one they arrived from the sparse buffet replete with all the trimmings of a full continental breakfast—stale coffee, yesterday's doughnuts, rock hard dinner rolls and freshly reconstituted orange juice.  After a late night check-in with no dinner, they delighted in the morning repast. To the bewilderment of the motel manager, who looked on from behind his hallway counter, they indulged themselves with seconds and thirds.

            "So what's your take on what happened yesterday?" Adam asked the two across the table.

            Linda's mouth puckered as she swallowed the orange drink. "Clearly, your artifact has captured the attention of some interesting characters."

            "Intrestin' nothin'," Hedda snarled while biting down on her marmalade smothered toast. "Herman is a ruthless bastard.  For some reason he wants that medallion o' yours, and you can bet he ain't gonna stop 'til he gets it."

            Adam replied, "It does look that way.  Maybe it has something to do with the other pieces he found in the mine."

            "Found?" Hedda replied. "T'was my husband found them relics.  Herman took what was none 'o his business. For Christ's sake, who knows what he did down there. The mine flooded the next morning."

            Adam asked, "Are you suggesting it's more than coincidence … you know, finding those relics and the flood?"

            "It wouldn't surprise me." Hedda sipped at her coffee and added, "He'd stop at nothin' to get his way, and he'd be the kind 'o asshole that'd jeopardize others' lives without givin' it a thought."

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