Chapter 2

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Rayan's Point Of View.

'Come Rayan today's you're day! You will win you're money.'

Oh hey! My name's Rayan Or Ray for short as you can already see my life is'nt has pretty been the easiest for me. Iam twenty eight years old, and Im a taxi driver. I have to try my best to earn as much money, my Grandma is'nt on the nicest condition, she has cancer and I need money to get her to the hospital.

That's why I have the suckiest of the suckiest jobs, if that's even a word. My life story? Hmm I really don't have much to say.

Only child, I go to school, no children thank god right? And well I only have My grandma in my live, Parents are gone RIP <3.

So yep! By I think I should get to work before I get a customer in He-'

"Exuse me are you open..."

[Yes! I know he's not a only child ^.^]


"I'll kill you Y/n get the fuck over here!" Messiah yelled.

I ran over a corner to only be blocked in a tight Corner. "Do you really think you can run away from me. I told you I would kill you and make you pay." He smirkes evily.

'Ahhh!' I rose up from bed breathing heavenly with drops of sweat covering my forehead. I looked at my surrounds to find the man from last night. I struggled my way out of his grip making my way to his bathroom. I slowly looked in the mirror and signed. 'Why do you do this to you're self Y/n?' I thought. "I don't know.. I really don't." I shrugged.

After a minute of my break down I searched for my clothes and Walked directly back to my house. After gettin their I slammed my body onto my bed and just yelling into my pillow 'The struggle is real.' I lookes up to the clock 6:29 oh gosh I suppost to be at work at 6:40 Beh is going to kill me.

[If you're struggling saying her name it's Be•Heth.]

After racing to the shower I placed on a normal Tee with some short and sandles and walked out. I mean it was kind of Hot outside.

I rushed to the nearest taxi and quickly got in.

"Exuse me are you open?" I kindly asked in my innocent voice.

Of course he's open Y/n! Why would you ask him that stupid ass question.

The dude behind the wheel turned his attention directly to me. And I swore I saw heaven! He was mighty fine! Like he had the sexiest plump lips, and the most cutest long hair ever, that nigga was just drop dead gorgerous.

"Uh where's you're location?" He asked.

"Huh...? Whaaa? Oh iam sorry" I blushed.

He just chuckled! Oh god that chuckle!

I cleared my throat and quickly talked. "59th street the bronx." I replied.

The car ride was pretty awakard since we did'nt know each other! But shit I wanted to get to know him. We soonly pulled up to a red light and just waited there quietly, Patiently ....All alone :)

That's when he FINALLY broke the dame silence.

"Do mrs-" I cut him off quickly. "My name's Y/n.." I smiled.

He chuckled, "Well Y/n Iam Rayan. So what's a pretty lady like you doing on a pretty day like this.." He asked, making a sharp turn to the right.

"You know going to work.. Trying to get that money." I giggled.

He nodded. "So you got any family members out here.." He asked.

"Nah, I'm pretty much out here Alone My Mom's Don't have one, Pop's He left us. After a while My mom's wanted to marry a Drug dealer King, named Tremaine. I didn't like that, so I ran away never looking back.." I explanined, almost on the verge of tears.

"Ohh I'm sorry to hear that Y/n. Well I only have Grandma in my life. My mom died at giving Birth and My Dad went to Jail for Child Abuse." He signed, Gripping the Wheel.

I cleared my throat, "If it makes you feel better. I finally made a New friend." I cheesed. I heard him Lightly chuckle, "It does.. And As much It hurts to say this. You are at you're destination." He smiled.

Just as I was about to Exit he attacked me with a question I've been dieing for ever since I sat down. "Oh and Y/n's here's my phone number so we can stay in chat and chill sometimes." He said, holding out a Crumbled up piece of paper.

I delighlting took it in return. "Thanks Rayan, I'm glad I met you.." I smiled, and made my way out the Car and above the abdonded alley.

What a nice kid?


Aha! You know the drill my loves Comment, Share & most importantly VOTE!

Also follow my WattpadBestie/ My Nigga!- @Chewityandmisshellex , she makes the most best Stories ever! I like they are the bomb! Follow her and I'm telling you, you won't regret it, my love.

Fyi- If you need me to Read or vote for you're story you know where to find, Just inbox me.

But for now! Bye loves kisses. <3



I wove you my love ^.^ (My cheesy :) )

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