Chapter 4

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Rayan's Point Of View.

After waiting for forty five minutes for Justice to come down I decided to think about my Life. Just as I got deep into my thoughts she banged hard on the Passenger window. I rolled my eyes and eyed her down as she sat down with a small plastered on her face. I can't lie she looked real good in those shorts and that tank top, I remember when I had the biggest crush on her.

For two years I would always it I once tried asking her out until I just gave up and noticed she was just a 'Friend Zone' chick. I don't roll like that.

"Don't give me that look, I've waiting for the longest and now I've charged you fifth dollars." I snappepd. She rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat.

"Take me to Bahja's Ray.." She hissed, looking out the window her arms crossed. I sighed and started the engine and began driving.

If you ask why am'I behaving so crappy maybe because, the whole Y/n not calling me thing. I'm Rayan Lopez no! one and I mean No one! ever turns me down. Suddendly my phone goes off, I looked down and didn't mind picking up the phone, I'm not planning to get fired today no siry.

'You're so stupid Rayan what if it was Y/n dumbass.' My conscience, nagged. "Shut you don't know shit.." I complained.

'I'm part of you're mind dumbass..' My conscience, replied.

"Idiot.." I mumbled. "Are you okay Rayan.." Justice, asked while placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded quickly.

I made a few turns and curvs here and there and we finally made it to Bahja's house. Dame last time I remember her house Wasn't that far.

"You're so lucky I brought my purse." She giggled, digging threw her Bra's and handing me my money. I wrinkled my face in disgust, "Girl don't you have pockets everyone touchs that money and you just gone put it between you're boobies, that's just nasty." I joked. "Boy, boo.." She laughed. "Here.." She said, smacking a hand full of dollars, and coins in my hand. "And this is for a tip.." I heard her say, before turning my head around and smashing my lips onto her's before exiting the car, with a echo of laughter, trending behind her.

I was so shocked I wasn't even concerned of all the stacks and uneven accounts of money, that filled my hands. I layed back in my seat, 'Dudeeeeeee... She wants the dick!!' I thought to myself.

I laughed and sat there shocked as hell.


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