Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lisbon was walking on air as she went towards the FBI. She had to admit it felt pretty nice to sass Jane and walk away before he knew what hit him. This was her new home and she had come to accept that...sort of. Her step falters but she shrugs it off and continues. Alright so she missed Cho's silence and the awkwardness between Grace and Rigsby and maybe Jane's- No no don't think about him just take a breath and keep walking!

Her new friend, Rory, walks with her. He works with the press and stays with her on most of the cases. It started out as a "just for information" to "discovering Agent Teresa" which resulted into "I like you" friendship. She liked him more than the others.

Rory was tall, and lean. He had bright red hair that partially covered his green eyes and a quirky smile. He always wore a white scarf with his grey suit, no tie, and a artists hat.


"Your crying."

Surprised, she wipes her eyes to find silver tears streaming down her cheeks. Rory wraps his arm around her shoulder and keeps her close, walking her into a more private place. Once there she starts openly crying. Rory wraps his arms around her, just letting her cry it out.


She starts hitting Rory. Who surprisingly for someone so thin didn't even flinch.


She cries a lot harder and sort of crumples in Rory's arms, he gently shushes her and rubs her back.

"He didn't care...he didn't care..."

It's just a whisper.

"Teresa he never did. You wanted him to so you went and now he's hurt you more."


"Just stop alright? Stop trying, he didn't care about you he never did. What you thought was friendship was just possession. It was nothing else."

They stay silent for a while.

"I'm sorry you had to learn this way. But sometimes in order to know where you belong you have to go to the beginning right?"

He brushes her hair out of her face.

"You belong with us. You're loved here, your respected and none of us will ever treat you that way, so forget about him alright? Just stay with us, let us help you."

Just then one of her FBI team members shows up. It's Lisa, first she's excited to see Tess then she's concerned.

"Hey are you okay?"

Lisbon nods and wipes her eyes.

"I look pretty bad don't I?"

Lisa looks sympathetic.

"Well you look pretty sad but you're fine over all. Your eyes aren't puffy or red anymore. Want to chance going in? I could sneak you in?"

She just sighs and then looking back at Rory she sort of deflates.

"Take me away Rory, just take me away."


You meet her FBI team in chapter 3! Comments comments anyone?

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