Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"We got a case!"

Lisa skips into the bullpen with a Manila envelope in her hand. Her golden hair around her like a halo. Lisa was free spirited when it came to everything. She was short like Lisbon but with an entirely different attitude. Lisa often acted childish and some questioned how she got into the FBI anyway, she was always so happy.

"Here it is!"

She declares in a sing song voice as she hands the folder to Lisbon.

"What is it this time?"

Mark leans over Lisbon to take a peak. He rolls his eyes, crosses his arms, and sighs.

"Great, a kidnapping."

He says sarcastically as he walks back to his desk. Mark was lanky and had black hair with brown eyes. He was stubborn and only ever listened to his superiors, he liked to do his own thing. But he was effective on cases, he could always get the killer to confess and no one EVER threatened someone on the team. He seemed abrasive most of the time but he was really just protective. Some viewed him as a body guard, he sure was structured like one anyway.

"Well I think this is a good case. I've always preferred kidnaps instead of murders. There's a lot more hope in a kidnapping."

That was James who was as tall as Rory and had dusty blond hair. He was into philosophy and always had a alternate view on things. He was heartwarming to everyone he met and a lot of people would call him an older brother. The exact opposite of Mark.

Lisbon begins to flip through the pages when they all hear a commotion coming from downstairs? She sets the file down and goes to see what's up, James follows suit. Going down stairs she reaches the halfway point and freezes, holding the rail for support. James takes one look at the guy and runs his hand through his hair.

"That's Mr. Jane, he's been making frequent visits. He always demands to know where you are."


James looks at her and rests his hand on her shoulder before leaving.

"Don't worry, we won't let him near you."


"Lisbon? Are you coming?"

At the mention of her name Jane stops arguing and looks up in her direction. Blue meets green and time stops. Part of her wants to just run and wrap her arms around him, never let him go again. But the other half wants the tear him apart and runaway. It must be written on her face because he says her name in desperation.


That's when she panics and takes a step back, she looks away and her eyes find Rory sitting on a bench writing his latest article.


He looks up from his work, seeing her like that he stands and begins walks swiftly in her direction. That's when he sees Jane and his expression darkens.


"Yeah, I know."

James takes her hand and gently guides her back up the stairs, leaving the two men to face each other.

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