Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Rory was in her office at the FBI, permanently deleting the emails from Jane. That was going to be another blow to her but a useful one for Rory. Jane loved her, it was in nearly every email he sent to her you could hear the concern. This was more the reason to keep her alive and against Jane. It's funny how things change like that, now instead of attacking him only mentally with Teresa he can attack Jane emotionally.

The only issue is Jane. If Jane convinces her of Rory's true identity then his reign, no, his supremacy over everyone is over. Jane has the ability expose Rory for who he really is: a monster. And Rory isn't going to let that happen.

Rory hears her soft footsteps and he clicks on the Internet, immediately going to reviews and other things journalists would research.

"You came back."

It was more of a statement really, she was going to come back wether she knew who he really is or not. That's one of the reasons why he liked her so much. Pure loyalty, that's hard to come by when you're a serial killer.

She gives him a tired smile and wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind as she watches what he's doing on her computer.

"What are you researching this time?"

"Mmm politics."

She sighs, lets him go, and turns the computer screen off. He shoots a glare at her.

"I was researching on that."

"Yes well we need to talk."

He feigns concern.

"What's wrong?"

"Jane is fully convinced that you are Red John."

No surprise there.


"He's going to re-open the RJ case that he had stolen to prove to me that you're him."



"Sorry, he trapped me in his attic and wouldn't let me out unless I agreed."

He stands up and looks her over a bit, pushing some hair out of her face checking for some hint of abuse if any. Jane would never hurt her, but by acting this way Rory can manipulate her into thinking that.

"Did he hurt you?"

She shy's off a little and he notes that she puts her hands into her jacket pockets.

"No not really."

"Let me see your hands."


"Your hands. Now."

She looks a little irritated but doesn't argue and takes her hands out. He inspects them finding nothing and pulls up her sleeve, revealing a light red, sore wrist. He was a little puzzled that Jane would act out like this, it must have been written on his face because she explained.

"When it comes to Red John he turns a little darker."

What a pleasant surprise, Rory almost seems pleased with this. It's a little disappointing though because now Jane has tunnel vision which makes him easier to get rid of. Ugh, this game is getting boring and Jane's becoming predictable.


"Yes, on nearly every RJ case he goes dark and suddenly no one else matters. He always calms down when he's with me but tonight..."

"This wasn't out of anger, it was out of fear. He thought that if you went back that RJ would kill you so he panicked."

"Why would he care though?"

"Simple, he wouldn't. I need you to do something for me."

She follows his instructions and holds her hand up next to her face, showing her wrist and looking at him when he takes the picture.

"Is this necessary?"

"Yes, I need to talk to him. He's walking on thin ice and its time he realizes that."

"I could give you the address?"

He smiles at her and gives her a quick peck on the lips.

"I already know it."


Comment! Do you like it? Also I'm working on Charlotte and hope to update soon!

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