Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

She couldn't believe it: maybe Jane was right maybe Rory is-NO he isn't!

She shakes her head to try to get rid of those thoughts and downs her fifth beer. She's at a small bar and she's in her FBI outfit along with her gun and badge, so people left her alone. It's interesting because her intervention to save Jane was last weekend so you'd think she'd be over it but here she is, at the bar.

But then again there are a few things that back Jane up. The way Rory made Jane seem abusive, him acting out and attacking not only Jane but also Lisa, his nervousness at giving her 7 cups of coffee, and the way he was always with her and wouldn't let anyone he didn't like near her. What if the coffee was drugged? In that case what did he want her to forget? But he wouldn't do that right? Not Rory.

Maybe she should call again, he would understand right? But then again if he was RJ that'd give away her position in a sense and she couldn't talk to Jane because he was untrustworthy. She groans and orders another one.

The bartender slides a beer her way but someone else catches it instead.

"You've had enough Lisbon, you should go home."

She focuses on the man sitting next to her.

"Don't...tell me what to do."

She tries to get the drink but he holds it away from her. She looks frustrated and gets her purse open, starting to mumble that she'll just buy a new one. He lays his hand on her shoulder which makes her stop an look at him.

"This is your conscious talking Lisbon. You need to stop drinking."

She smirks.

"Jane is my conscious?"

"No I'm not, this is just a mental perception of him. After all, if he doesn't care about you then why would he physically be here at all?"

Lisbon narrows her eyes on him and runs her hand through his curls.

"I can feel you though-she smiles lopsidedly-that means you're for real."

"You really want him here don't you? Are you looking for an apology or do you want protection?"

Lisbon frowns and looks away.

"Maybe I want both."


"It explains this hallucination-she gestures to him-I've been thinking about Jane a lot. I mean, why couldn't he have just picked up the phone or visited me or-or just something you know?"

"So then why would you want him to protect you if he's rejected you like this?"

She eyes the beer in his hands and Jane reluctantly lets her have it. She continues.

"I don't know, I mean, what if he's right? Lisa has an ugly bruise and he was just so mad at me when he came back...I thought he was going to kill Jane. I mean, that look in his eyes and the way he was acting? I've only seen that once before."

"And what happened the first time?"

"I-I don't want to talk about it."

She's starting to cry and he rubs her back gently and softly shushing her.

"Tell me what happened. I'm your conscious remember?"

Lisbon wipes her tears away.

"I was kidnapped by this gang and he had tracked them down...I remember they were surprised and Rory just smiled at them and shot them all just like that. He showed no emotion, they didn't stand a chance. He went to the leader who was just gasping for air and he demanded to know where the I was. So the man said it and started begging. I closed my eyes when I heard the shots. Bam bam bam."


"He was so proud of himself. He picked me up and carried me out of the house and I'd just look at the floor that was covered in blood. That's when I knew...I was in the arms of a killer."

She looks up at him her eyes brimming with tears.

"You know something? Jane's right, no matter how much I try to prove him wrong he's right. Rory is Red John."



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