Chapter 12

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Harry's haircut :)))))

Chapter 12.

Things were going along swimmingly. Anne adored Eleanora, and the two were bonding over wedding planning. What color to put for the flowers and table cloths, what dishes should be served, decor and all that fun wedding stuff.

"I think a royal purple would be amazing. With silver accents." Eleanora decided, looking at the many color swatches in front of her. She had ruled out orange, yellow and green because they didn't really scream 'royal wedding' to her. The choices had been either royal purple or royal blue, both appropriately( and maybe ironically) named.

"Perfect! I'll give this to Sylvia and she will start looking for the perfect table cloths for us to review." The Queen beamed, taking the swatches and went on her way.

She sighed happily, relaxing into her chair after Anne walked out. This was nice. Harry and Eleanora had been getting along very well, taking it at a moderate pace. Harry slept in her chambers every night, as he said he slept better next to her. The nightmares were fewer and fewer but still, she was curious as to what they were about.

Shaking that thought out of her head, she rose from the seat deciding to go see Harry. Days could be stressful on him, as he had much to do and was often exhausted at the end of the day. Though, they both knew it would get easier when they took over, reforming the kingdom to what they wanted.

Right now, it was hard to deal with villagers because they were scared of threats from the east, rightfully so. There had been many threats but none acted on in the past months that Eleanora had been there. She hoped they would stop permanently.

Harry was buried in papers when she walked in, eyebrows furrowed so he got that cute little wrinkle between his eyes that she often kissed away when he thought too hard. Another threat, threatening a farm of the Sullivan family.

When Eleanora walked in, he smiled wearily up at her. An arm was moved and she plopped right on his lap, hand going to his hair to comb it back, a technique she knew was very effective in calming him down.

"What's the matter?" Her voice was soft and soothing to his ears, making him want to throw these papers away and just let her speak to him all day.

His arm wrapped around her delicate waist, his hand showing her the paper. It was written in their blood, disgusting but a trait of the east. Their ways were barbaric and brutal, and they hated Harry's kingdom because of their own ways.

"Oh no.." She said, putting the paper down after she read the graphic words on what they were going to do to them.

"I'm going to give them some gold, just so they fuck off for a while. Then, I'm stationing guards at the Sullivan farm to watch and protect. My father may not care for the villagers but I do." Harry stated strongly, resting his head on her small hand.

Eleanora smiled at him, leaning up to kiss his cheek that was a bit scratchy with stubble. He had come so far, and it seemed all he needed was a supporter. Someone who constantly reminded him that he was cared for and had someone behind him.

"I'm so glad you think that. That's how my father rules and we rarely have altercations with rebellion. I think that you're going to make an amazing King."

Harry's chest swelled with happiness, a real smile showing his dimples and white teeth was given just for her. Eleanora was his blessing, his saving grace. Even when he spat insults or growled at her to leave him, she wouldn't. She tries so hard for him, and he was trying for her as well.

"I will have an even more amazing queen. What a pair we'll be." A small laugh was released before his lips pressed to hers in a short and sweet kiss.

Royalty (Harry Styles AU) / #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now