10- he's interesting

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"Stop!" I shouted and crossed my arms while glaring at Jungkook and Taehyung.

Hoseok smiled and smirked at me. "Are you mad Jiminnie?"

"No. It's not okay to whisper around other people."

Jungkook said nothing, he was just looking at me. Like I was a book so he can read me.

Or can he?

"I just...." I started. "I wanna be Jungkook's friend too." Maybe I did act like a kid but there is something about Jungkook.

Something new, something that's forbidden.

"Jimin, you're annoying. "

I opened my mouth and looked at Jungkook.

He frowned at me and rolled his eyes before looking back at his glass.

"Fine." I whispered and fight with myself not to cry. I was hurt.

All I did was good to him.


Hoseok talked about Jungkook all the time. I listened to him and realized he liked Jungkook, Tae was right.

It was night and Tae was still working. I hated the feeling of emptyness, cold and unwanted.

It was like my life was moving back at the beggining. And I don't want that.

I don't want to be called crazy again.

I took on my black hoodie and walked outside leaving the cold walls and worst memories in the apartment.

I walked and walked and end up at my work place.

Where I don't think too much, where people like me.

Where I can watch Jungkook.


I stopped and turn around just few meters before reaching the club.

It was around 10pm so it was dark and cold, I couldn't see him clearly but I recognise that voice.

"Are you gonna stand there?" He was leaning on the wall at the corner of little alley.

"Uhm." I gulped and looked around hoping no one saw me."i came to see-"

"Ugh." I stepped back when he started walking to me not looking at me just glancing around before he took me by my wrist and putting my hoodie over my head to hid my face.

He had blue hoodie and mask too.

I wasn't scared. Nothing about Jungkook scared me that much. I think I actually saw little bit of his soft side.

I tripped at the rock in the alley but of course Jungkook didn't let me fall since he was holding my hand.

"I c-can't run anymore " I breathed and stopped not letting Jungkook to pull me any more.

He looked down and took off his mask. His eyes are so beautiful. Even at night.

"Jungkook, why?" I whispered.

He didn't said nothing. Instead he took off the hoodie off my head and smiled at me messing my hair little bit.

"Uhm. D-do you need me for something?" I stuttered but never moved my eyes from him. We were in dark alley and everything around us was dark and only way to feel safe was get lost in his eyes.

"Duh." He rolled his eyes and walked to the wall sitting down and leaning his back on the cold and wet wall.

I watched him and pouted. I don't like how cold and uninterrested he can be.

"Hey scared kitty!" He giggled.

I pointed at my chest frowning at him.

"Yes, you! I just wanted you to keep me company." He said and motioned me to sit next to him. "I had a feeling you're gonna came." He spoke as I sat down.

"How?' I looked at him, our faces was never this close before.

"I kinda see who you are. Jimin, I met Taehyung and if I was living with him I would rather spend my time at work."

"No! It's not that." I protested my body started shaking since I was not used to this. "It's me not him."

Jungkook took his hoodie off and throw it at me. Thats the cutest thing I can get from him.

"Thank you Kookie. This is so nice." I smiled and put his hoodie on. Fuck I love his smell.

He didn't answered he just stared at the sky. He looked like he's smiling little bit.

"Come here." I opened my arms. "I can keep you warm since you gave me your hoodie."

"Did I asked you to keep me warm?"


"Excatly. Now shush and enjoy the view."

I looked at him and followed his gaze. The sky was beautiful the moment was beautiful and Jungkook is beautiful.

"Do you like Hobi?"

He nodded lazily making me bit my lip. I wanna punch him and tell him Hoseok is not the one for him.

"Then...are you two dating?" I closed my eyes scared of the answer.

"Jimin be quiet I'm enjoying the sky "

I pouted and moved closer to him, not to fast to scare him. He didn't moved and I can feel him relaxing and his breathing is normal again.

"You know the idea wasn't mine. I would-"

"Jimin?" His voice cutting me and I had all my attention at him.

"Yes?" I blinked few fimes his fave expression was still the same.

"Will you shut up?"

"I don't think so." I giggled but I was serious again when he moved closer.

"Can I shut your loud mouth?"


No you can't!


"Yeah." I spoke weakly before closing my eyes.

I was so nervous and I have no idea why I agreed but Jungkook is just....interesting.

It was silence for a moment before I felt his hand over my mouth.

He laughed like an idiot. I bit his hand and hit his chest.

"Fuck you!"

He gasped. "Did goodie boy Jimin just swear?"

"I did! Look how bad you are for me!" I cried and started to took off his hoodie.

"You like me bad." I took off his hoodie and throw it at him. He had a smirk on his face but his sad eyes still had the innocence inside.




I did this bc i got an idea and i didnt proofread sorry

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