Chapter 2

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After the parents left, we were taken into another room and were made to do icebreakers to slowly get to know each other and not feel so intimidated or awkward. After the first two, we were sat as groups on tables forcing us to introduce ourselves to each other and then told the instructions and what we would be doing this upcoming week in the leadership program.

Now, I'm going to introduce this program a little more. You had to apply to it, send a resume and have letters of recommendations written for you as if you were applying to the university itself. After that, you would eventually get a response saying whether you got in or not since it had a limited amount of spaces available. The whole program was planned out carefully; the groups, the students chosen, the order of the whole program, everything. It was set up to perfection.

So, when we were starting the last icebreaker of the afternoon called two truths and a lie; a game I had never played before; the door opens and a tall, handsome, black haired boy wearing a blue sweater walked in and as soon as he did, Ashley and I looked at each other and said at the same time "cinnamon". At this point, I was wishing and hoping that he would be put in our group, hence, the one with a missing person and that we; and by we I mean I; would be the lucky one with him in the group. And to my luck, he was. He was given his schedule, a bag that the rest of us had gotten when we got there, and was told to sit with all of us. Quickly, he did as told and introduced himself to us before sitting down. "Nicholas Spade", he said shaking all of our hands like a gentleman. And of course, we all introduced ourselves; Chelsea, Matthew, Kim, Sasha, and me, Taylor Willards.

After that, we continued to play two truths and a lie and after the eight groups went, we stayed chatting about where we were from because we found out that there were a few students from the same place; Florida; at the program. So because of that, our advisor asked us who came here from the same school and I confidently raised my hand and when he asked me with whom, I told him with Ashley and told him the name from our school and where it was. Here's the thing though, I hadn't heard the question correctly so as a result of my now incorrect answer, Mr. Nicholas Spade started cracking up.

When I asked him what was so funny, he told me that the counselor was asking who from Florida, went to the same school. Meaning that I had just made a fool of myself, since I don't live there, in front of 46 complete strangers. Fortunately, being who I was and not minding that I just humiliated myself in someone else's eyes, I followed up his cracking up with my own.

Nevertheless, after my first dumb-ass comment, we clicked and became best friends. Lucky for us, it was just day one out of six. I wonder what else is in store for me...

A Touch Of Summer LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora